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  1. A future for TMG users?

    It is heartening to see this development: Thank you for your interest in HRE. Your details have been added to our mailing list. We will keep you up to date with progress on development of the programme, and our most recent Newsletter can be found here: https://historyresearchenvironment.org/2017/12/18/hre-newsletter-dec-2017/ Another is due out shortly. HRE is an ambitious project and one designed to have wider benefit than the cause of its inception, which was to provide an alternative to a no longer supported genealogy programme whose users were left with their data possibly unable to be further developed. The interest in developing HRE has been global and enthusiastic and very quickly our team received interest from other disciplines for which it was important to have the ability to store data and cross-reference it in a historical progression. If you come across such a use, please let us know so that there can be input at an early stage to accommodate needs. HRE is a wholly volunteer programme and by making a decision to keep it open-source, it has the opportunity to become very widely used indeed. If you know of any others who may benefit from it, please direct them to our site at: https://historyresearchenvironment.org We will continually need more volunteers and funds to ensure that we can provide the quality product our potential users seek and expect. Do keep us at your forefront of thinking and when you come across someone who can assist, please feel free to engage them directly or by sending an email to me personally on this email address, but please add HRE in the subject line. If you have any skills that the project could make use of, please consider volunteering: https://historyresearchenvironment.org/become-a-volunteer/ If don't have skills in this area, or if you don't have any time to help out, please consider making a monetary donation: https://historyresearchenvironment.org/donate/ . All donations are very gratefully received, and will be used solely for the purpose of advancing the HRE project. Thank you! Meanwhile, we are very glad you have decided to join us in learning about our journey. It promises to be one with many facets of interest. Suggestions and specific queries, opportunities and contact recommendations are always welcome. We aim to maintain a dialogue with our supporters. Kind regards and welcome to an interesting global project that can change the way we store and hunt for historical information in many disciplines. Paquita Paquita Lamacraft Paquita Lamacraft <paquita.lamacraft@archerbg.com> Disclaimer. HRE is an independent voluntary open source project. Wholly Genes, Inc., the developer of The Master Genealogist (‘TMG‘), is not directly involved in the HRE project and will not provide technical support nor assume any responsibility or liability for the project. All trademarks of Wholly Genes, Inc., including ‘Wholly Genes’, ‘TMG’, ‘The Master Genealogist’, ‘GenBridge’, ‘VCF’ and ‘Visual Chartform’ are acknowledged. Any use by the HRE project of these marks is by permission and is subject to the above disclaimer.
  2. Backup Error

    Thanks Jim. That seems to have sorted things. I have 16000 exhibits so there must be a problem with one or more of them. At least I have my data backups functioning and can always save the exhibits separately.
  3. Backup Error

    TMG failing to backup: Every time I try to backup TMG 9.5, it goes through the backup process and this message shows when finished. No backup is saved. I'm using windows 10. Any ideas?
  4. Windows 10 issues

    Thanks for that. It is a strange experience. Having rolled back to Widows 7, I still had the error messages showing. I had the TMG shortcut pinned to the bottom taskbar and every time I tried to open TMG, up popped the errors. I unpinned the icon from the takbar and right clicked on the desktop icon, selected 'Run as Administrator', and it has been running perfectly with no errors. The downside, if I can call it that, is that when I tried to re-download Windows 10, it downloaded, verified, but when it started to install it came up with.......yes.... an error message, suggesting I restart my computer and re-install Win 10!! After 3 attempts I guess I'll stay with windows 7 ..fort the moment! Over to you Microsoft!! Thanks again
  5. Windows 10 issues

    I made the quantum leap and updated to Windows 10 on my laptop. BIG MISTAKE. I started getting error messages telling me I was denied access to the program. I trird a number of fixes including backing up my TMG priject file to a USB pen drive, uninstalling TMG, reinstalling....still error messages.... ran repair...still a problem. Since I had just updated Windows I had the 30 days in which to run it back to windows 7 pro, which I did. Another mistake. Still the problem, and when I tried to uninstall TMG an error maessage came up and I couldn't uninstall. I then foolishly manually deleted all TMG folders, and references to the master genealogist in regedit. (I should know better!!) I installed TMG 9.5 on my old Win XP desktop and imported my project backup. It worked perfectly and still does. I then reinstalled a clean version of TMG on the now win 7 pro laptop and, having transferred my backup file from the pendrive to the Documents folder, restored it. I had to re-enter our details name email ser no as expected. It ran perfectly. I closed the laptop down, restarted it and tried to open TMG. it came up with : Program Error File accrss is denied c:\...\documents\the master genealogistv9\logs\programstartlog.log I selected 'Ignore' another error window came up, 'Ignore' again and a third time, then I had to re-enter the name /email and ser no. again. Then I could use it. Any ideas? Iain MacIntosh