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Paul Lawrence

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Everything posted by Paul Lawrence

  1. Modify the Primary Name

    Double click on the name at the top of the Detail Window to open the Edit window and make the necessary changes...
  2. Names, Numbers, and Variables

    The number is not controlled by the variable in the sentence but by options in the report. In the Report Definition Screen go to Options, select the Names tab, and under Identifiers select None....
  3. Are you entering a birth date? The Living flag is only set automatically based on the date in the birth tag or the existence of a death tag...It does not consider dates in other tags....
  4. Journal report

    Did you define and generate the index in Word? TMG marks the items to be included in the index but you have to define and generate it in Word...not all that familiar with the process in Word, more familiar with WordPerfect...
  5. Preparers Name on Reports

    Under Preferences>Project Options>Other under Researcher information enter the information... For the report under Options>General tab under Researcher check the information you want to appear on the report...
  6. Problem with journal report?

    It is standard in genealogy journal reports to print the birth, marriage, death, and burial (BMDB) in the first paragraph and all other events chronological following the first paragraph...to print in strict chronological sequence under Options>General tab under Style choose Custom and on the Miscellaneous tab under Format uncheck "BMDB in separate paragraph" (last item in list)...
  7. Is there a nice way to output the input?

    You might want to take a look at sample reports on the WhollyGenes web site... go to http://www.whollygenes.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc Under Software click on The Master Genealogist and then click on Sample Reports
  8. Preference Problem - both V6 and V7

    After you set it you have to save the Layout to retain the setting...
  9. Mouseover?

    Right click and select "Show item tips..."
  10. Indented Descendant Chart Report

    Actually it's "Suppress details for living people" under the Miscellanous tab under Options....
  11. The name/birth tag sentence in reports

    Did you import from another application such as UFT? Look at the sentence in the birth tag for one of the individuals where you have the problem and see what the sentence template is for that person and let us know....
  12. The name/birth tag sentence in reports

    Look at the sentence for the birth tag...you probably have something like [PF] was born or [RF:Child] was born....remove the F...
  13. Why are some Places in NO Events?

    It could be attached to a Repository....
  14. Tranferring TMG Data to a 2nd Computer

    That depends on the size of your memory stick...mine are 1GB and I backup directly to it with no problem...actually am able to put between 40 and 50 backups on it...
  15. Tranferring TMG Data to a 2nd Computer

    Backup/Restore.... Paul, Many thanks for your ultra quick guidance. It's much appreciated. I'm a bit of a novice though computing wise so can I just check I have understood you completly? Currently I back up to my C Drive and then burn a copy onto DVD. Are you now suggesting that I back up to a removable disk, for example a memory stick, and then insert that stick into the Laptop and do a restore from it? If I then make updates on the laptop I would do the same in reverse to restore the Desk Top to the latest data. At any point in time therefore the latest information would be on the Memory Stick and this could still be burnt to a DVD for added security. Sorry if this is awfully basic but your confirmation would be very helpful. Best wishes Precisely...you can transfer to the laptop using a memory stick or a cd/dvd if your laptop has a reader....backup on the desktop and restore on the laptop...if you do any updating on the laptop reverse the procedure...backup on the laptop (to a memory stick) and restore on the desktop... You must have the same version of TMG on both systems....
  16. Tranferring TMG Data to a 2nd Computer

  17. Including Middle Names in Reports

    The "Include middle names" option you reference is under Back Reference Generations...it refers only to the back references in the Journal report...do you want the back references to include middle names or not...if left unchecked the back references include only first names...
  18. Deleting a photo from an exhibit

    Open the Exhibit Log...right click on the photo to be deleted and select Delete...
  19. TMG last person navigation

    Preferences>Program Options>General...uncheck View History remembers detail tab
  20. I'm also a convert from UFT years ago...what I did was make the sentences for both roles the same so they all print the same...I think I used the UFT sentence...that way I didn't have to search and change all of the tags that had a different role...I then made the Child role the default role so that all new adds used Child... Did similar for death and burial tags....
  21. Importing v4.0d into v7

    If the .sqz file is from v4.0d as indicated in the heading then it has to be imported...you cannot restore a v4.xx .sqz file in v.5/6/7...
  22. b_date and a_date Question

    Working ok for me...check to make sure your date column is wide enough to display the a, b, or c....
  23. [PG] uses entire given name whereas [PF] uses first word of given name....
  24. Image Handling

    Only images attached to individuals can be designated as Primary...images attached to tags cannot be designated as Primary...