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Paul Lawrence

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Everything posted by Paul Lawrence

  1. Downloaded Source Information

    As Virginia noted it probably came from Ancestry.com but you had to put it in the memo field by typing it in or copying and pasting...Ancestry.com is not going to put it in a TMG tag automatically as far as I know...
  2. Book Management

    On the Report Definition Screen, lower right is a place to indicated starting page number....
  3. Gedcom witnes import

    As I recall that was written for TMG 4.x and never was rewritten for TMG 5.x or 6.x....
  4. Journal Report Failure

    Do not rely on a "program not responding"...check the CPU usage under the Performance tab in the Windows Task Manager, if CPU resources are being use the program is still running and creating the report...let it run to completion...if no CPU usage or very low usage then the program may be hung...
  5. Accidental closure of TMG

    A am able to repeat this in 6.12...with any window active hold down control key and move the scroll wheel on the mouse ... you get the closing backup window but Cancel does not work...only Yes and No works forcing you to close the program...
  6. Dates Leading Zeros

    Which "leading zero option" are you referring to??? On the reports? That's the only place I am aware of a leading zero option and that affects the printing only...not data entry...as far as I know all dates will be entered and stored with leading zeros but you can suppress the printing of the leading zeros in reports...
  7. Where to put misc. notes

    There is an Anecdote tag as well as a Note tag that could be used...look at the sentence structure to see which would apply to what you wish, probably the Anecdote tag which just prints the memo field of the tag...
  8. Duplicate Entry Warning

    From a list of v7 features posted on the TMG-L on 8/19/2007 by Bob Velke - Check for duplicate people during the Add Person process (and many Preference options to control the duplicate-checking rules). Same list was posted somewhere on the Forum but I can't readily find it...
  9. Note the mother's ID#...go to the Detail View for the daughter...Double click on Mother in the top of the Detail View...enter the mother's ID# and click OK...If she has not been married to the father TMG will ask if you want a marriage tag created...
  10. Picklist

    I have seen this but it is caused by typing too fast...I suspect that you are typing the characters for your search before the Picklist fully opens and positions itself to the current focus person...
  11. Descendant Indented report

    Indented chart or Indented narrative??? Indented chart is restricted to birth, marriage, death, burial... Indented narrative...you can select what tags to print....
  12. Wish List - Citation Overload

    In the Citation box in the Tag window select a citation you don't want to appear in reports, right click and select "Exclude this citation"
  13. Copy/Paste & Too Many Blank Spaces

    Yes, I did miss that part of your message...it appears to depend on the type of field as defined in the underlying database system that TMG is written in...some fields such as name and place fields if you double click you select the entire field...in other fields such as memo field if you double click you select a word...so the caution is if you double click and select the entire field you are going to get the trailing spaces...
  14. Copy/Paste & Too Many Blank Spaces

    You apparently are selecting the name using the mouse and dragging if over the name and including spaces after the name...if you place the cursor in the name and ctrl+a you will select the name only and not all of the spaces after it...The name field is a fixed length field and if you highlight the name and spaces after it that is what will be copied....
  15. Default Settings for Ahnentafel Report?

    Look under Options>Miscellaneous tab and see if you have "Blanks for missing data" checked...if so, uncheck it...
  16. Tag Filter HELP

    Right click in the tag box...about halve way down are about four filters, make sure all are unchecked... Also in Preferences make sure you are in Advance Data Entry mode under Data Entry....
  17. Duplicate people

    Look at the Person View for that individual and you will see a name-var or some type of name tag listed in the tag list that has the same name as the primary name tag which is shown at the top of the Person View...
  18. Permission to start new topic

    The Reports Forum is a sub-forum of the FAQs not a discussion forum...you would not have permission to add a FAQ on reports... If you have a question on reports post it in the proper forum for the product you are using...
  19. Program locked up

    Go to Preferences>Program Options>Startup and Exit and change "Check for messages every" to 0 days....
  20. Add Person TMG Freezes

    Are you sure you can't make the selection from the Windows Menu item...normally when this occurs the Menu Bar appears greyed out but the Windows, Center Current Window Selection can still be made...
  21. Add Person TMG Freezes

    Try going to Menu>Windows> and select "Center Current Window"...sometimes the Add Person Window opens behind other windows and it appears that TMG is frozen...if that's the case "Center Current Window" will bring it to the front and you can proceed with no problems...
  22. Toolbar

    The next time you try to use the toolbar and it appears to lock up, go to Windows on the Menu and select "Center current window"...sometimes a window opens behind other windows instead of on top and system appears to be locked up because the current active window is not visable...
  23. Copy individuals from one project to another

    See Terry's TMG tips at http://tmg.reigelridge.com/ particularly Merging Projects and Data Sets at http://tmg.reigelridge.com/merging.htm
  24. Master Source List

    Are you trying to merge after accessing the source list from within a Tag? You can't do that. You have to access the Source List from the Menu Tools>Master Source List in order to be able to Merge or Delete.
  25. Increase Display and Fonts

    Preferences>Program Options>Lists...adjust Minimum and Maximum font sizes...