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Vera Nagel

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Everything posted by Vera Nagel

  1. Sam, "Add/Edit/Delete/Primary" Buttons on the "Details Window" is an independant feature of TMG. For the convenience of "Beginners" they are visible by default on the "Details Window" while you are in "Beginner Mode" of Data Entry. This is regularly the case when you use TMG for the first time. But that does not mean that they automatically disappear when you change the settings for Data Entry from "Beginner" to "Advanced". Even an "Advanded" user may find those buttons handy on the "Details Window". Anybody who doesn't like them to be there can easily turn them off under File > Preferences. *********************************** When TMGv7.0 was announced Bob Velke wrote in the newsletter:
  2. Terry's TMG Tips return empty page

    No, there's nothing wrong on your side, Helmut. I see exactly the same result like you - obviously Terry's web site (Terry's TMG tips "home") seems to have an issue.
  3. Relationship Tag

    Hello Shar, what you are looking for is the use of accent colors to i.e. show who is related or not. Terry Reigel has a very good article on this website describing how this can be done. Please see here: http://tmg.reigelridge.com/accents.htm
  4. New element type and roles for contracts

    I am sorry Michael, but that was not my point since I didn't say don't create a custom tag type which probably works best for a specific type of event which you are thinking of. I am not at all neglecting this great capability of TMG - the opposite is true: I love it. My point instead was: are you really sure that you want to create a tag with such kind of a global name like "contract"? IMHO such an approach might be able to neglect another great feature of TMG: it's ability to almost record each and everything immediately as precise as prossible of which I am an absolute fan. Imagine a situation where you have a person with more than one "contract" tag. Looking at the person details you would only see: ...contract, contract, contract.... and you would have the additional need to check the tag details to see "what kind of contract" it actually is. A situation I personally strongly try to avoid. Helmut additionally said: in my situation there is no principal person and the contractors are more than two. That being said he stated in his original post that it probably would be best to use a custom tag type derived from a History tag. Here as well I am of different opinion - imagine i.e. a "will" with one or more testators and more than one heir. Wouldn't one still use a "will" tag? Or i.e. think of "census" where also a whole group of people is involved. In each little example outlined above those tags are not derived from a History tag. ****************** Thank you, Helmut for providing more details about "your special task" you want to accomplish by using such a "special custom tag type". So what you want to record is a "financial contract" or may be better say a "financial relationship" among various blood-related people. This helped me a great deal to better understand the specifics.
  5. New element type and roles for contracts

    Hallo Helmut, bist Du Dir wirklich sicher, daß Du einen derart globalen und meiner Meinung nach eher eingeschränkten Weg gehen möchtest, um Verträge aller möglichen Art (Eheverträge, Erbverträge, Testamente, Landkäufe, Schenkungsverträge etc. etc.) in TMG abzubilden? Ich würde auch nicht sagen, daß Verträge keine Hauptpersonen haben bzw. brauchen - siehe z.B. das TMG Element "Testament" oder "Heirat/Ehevertrag". Stell Dir vor, Du findest für eine Person gleich mehrere "Verträge", dann würdest Du bei den Personen-Details zunächst nur ...Vertrag, Vertrag, Vertrag... sehen und erst dann, wenn Du Dir das Vertrags-Element selber anschaust, würdest Du sehen, um welchen Vertragstyp es sich wirklich handelt. Oder? Über das Datum eines Vertrages selber kann man ihn auch nicht immer gleich auf einen Blick mit einem anderen Element wie z.B. Heirat in Verbindung bringen, nämlich immer dann nicht, wenn z.B. ein Ehevertrag erst Jahre später nach der Eheschließung abgeschlossen würde. Hier würde dann nur helfen z.B. mit Sortierdaten zu arbeiten. [ghist of my reply in English: wouldn't that be a way too global and some how limited approach to report all sorts of various contracts one may think of in TMG? I wouldn't do it that way and I'd also not agree that contracts don't have/need principals. i.e. see TMG's tag types "will" or "marr cont (marriage contract)"]
  6. New element type and roles for contracts

    Hello Helmut, you most probably mean a new custom tag type "Contract", right?
  7. Exporting witnessed events to GEDCOM

    Sorry Michael, but for me using TMGv7.03 that is not working. Say: whatever I try TMG's Association tag is not included in a GEDCOM export as it should be. (This issue has already been reported.) May be I am missing something?!?
  8. C:\Program Files\The Master Genealogist That TMG is closed is absolutely essential. And like Virginia already said: use a text editor (i.e. Notepad, Write, TextPad) and not Word! Please also verify that 'Column1=YES' in the [Picklist] section shows up in the app.ini
  9. Shaun, not to see a scroll bar at the bottom of the columns to be displayed is OK. It just indicates that the overall size of the "Expanded Picklist" window itself is wide enough to display all of the columns selected. As you know the Expanded Picklist can be used/displayed in two variants: 1) in "Column Mode" - were columns like: Person Name, Person ID, Reference, Birth, Death etc. etc. will be shown and 2) as "Event List" - were only two colums (Person Name plus Person ID) will be shown on the left Question 1: which of the outlined variants above do you use? Question 2: in case you use "Column Mode" could you please click on the button "Event List" and tell us whether you see the Person name column then?
  10. Dave, additionally... here's an excerpt from TMG Help "Primary Exhibits The person image exhibit marked primary ( * ) is used in the Image window and in some reports. To mark an exhibit primary: Select a non-primary person image exhibit and click the [Primary] button or right-click on the image and select Properties on the menu. Then select the General tab and select the Primary checkbox."
  11. Need Help with Gedcom

    Since Aileen mentions "TMGW" my best guess would be that she's still using an older Version of TMG like TMG4.x Aileen which Operating System is installed on your computer? In case it is Windows XP it may be worth to look at this topic http://www.whollygenes.com/forums201/index.php?showtopic=354 as well.
  12. Within the last few days two TMG users (one from Germany / one from Swiss) simultaneously reported the following issue where I couldn't provide help and therefore asked them to directly contact WG support. I decided to also post this topic here. The users reported that immediately when they try to install TMG v7.03 (run the installer) the installation process is aborted with the following error message: "could not initialize installation. Could not extract Wise0132.dll…". Any ideas?
  13. Laptop restore error

    You're welcome.
  14. Laptop restore error

    Zane, I assume you might have the backup file you're trying to restore on an external hard drive, right? If so try the following: save / copy the backup file anywhere on / to your laptop first (i.e. on the desktop of your laptop) and after that try to restore it.
  15. creating reports

    Hmmm...... Another thing to try, Gene: Go to any person in your project Reports >Family Group Sheet > check "Use the Current Focus Person" instead of "Selected People in the Project Explorer" Save it to file as a PDF file and create the report. Does that work?
  16. Report template cannot be found

    Neil, in addition to Virginia's question.... the template names you provided above are wrong (may be just a little typo from your side) instead of FG_LIP0505.RRW the correct template name should be FG_L1P0505.RRW ("L1" instead of "LI") and instead of IN_LIP0505.RRW the correct template name should be IN_L1P0505.RRW ("L1" instead of "LI") Could you please re-check that as well?
  17. creating reports

    Gene, in addition to my previous reply please change your procedure to create the report a tiny little bit. Family Group Sheet > Selected People on the Project Explorer >click Save to file > Select file type Acrobat PDF then: 1) please note that the field "File name" already shows *.PDF 2) set your mouse cursor into that field and type in your file name but please make sure that you don't overwrite the file ending .PDF in your case the content of the field "File name" now reads: Henry.PDF 3) press the TAB key on your keyboard 4) click create report.
  18. creating reports

    Gene, please provide the complete File name which you see in the field "File name:". Is the file ending .pdf (dot, pdf) there? It has to be since otherwise Acrobat would never be able to recognize it.
  19. Repair mode re-indexing

    Alan, in general that path is correct. At the very end of that path it reads according to you: mymainjackaproject If that is your project name then I'd say by what reason so ever your project seems to be corrupt. A correct and valid project name would read: mymainjackaproject_.pjc [Please note the ending: underline, dot, file ending "pjc".] Is that really not there or did you simply leave that out when providing the path name above? If this specific "ending" is really missing this would be the reason why the "Last" button is dimmed because TMG cannot recognize and load your project and why you run into this fatal error situation. Two ways to go from here: - either you take Jim's offer to contact him directly (see message above) or before you do so - you first try to run TMG's maintenance routines
  20. Temple

    Hallo Hans-Jürgen, das gibt Du alles komplett ein im Feld "City" oder falls Du Dir einen deutschen Ortsstil angelegt hast -wie das übrigens die meisten deutschsprachigen Anwender tun- im Feld "Stadt" oder "Ort", jenachdem wie Du dies bezeichnet hast. Aufpassen solltest Du nur darauf, daß Du auch immer die gleiche Bezeichnung für "Rinteln a. d. Weser" verwendest. Nicht einmal in der Schreibweise wie vor und einmal als "Rinteln an der Weser" - sonst gibt das nämlich zwei unterschiedliche Einträge in der Zentralen Ortsliste.
  21. forename: how I can this highlight?

    Just a guess from my understanding of Hans-Jürgen's post: No, he doesn't have multiple NameVar tags. The given names he's talking about are all in one, primary NameVar tag (like: John Robert Theodore). Now Hans-Jürgen asks about a way to indicate (= highlight) that in one case "John" is the name of the person by which this person is known and i.e. in another case "Theodore" is the name of the person by which this person is known.
  22. Version 6.12

    No, Peter you were never forgotten. As you already know I've a severe cold and what both of us had hoped that working with everything you've kindly sent to me may help to cure it... unfortunately didn't.
  23. Version 6.12

    Peter, I'd kindly suggest that before you try to go back to TMGv6.12 UK let's first continue to solve your issue with TMGv7 UK. I'll get back to you directly a little later today. Hope you will agree....
  24. Just a short note, Max. Since you are using TMGv7.03 I've moved this topic from the TMGv6 support forum where this post originally appeared to this TMGv7 support forum. ************************ Other than that the unexpected behavior Max describes becomes visible when printing a Journal report to Word 2000 or later. Regarding ID-Numbers: TMG ID numbers don't have leading zeros so that 435 will be sorted after 3234. With that being said: the number 435 is higher than 3234 and therefore is sorted after the latter. So what you really seem to want is to sort those people in question in chronological order depending on their date of birth.
  25. Preferences returning to default

    You confirmed that you're running the UK Version of TMGv7. Under File > Preferences > Current Project Options > Other... TMG's default setting for Source categories is "Custom" Please check that. I would assume that your setting here may be "as drawn from Evidence". If so I'd suggest to change that to "Custom". As long as the default setting "Custom" is applied to the project you won't find a source type "Death Registration (State Level)" in the list of Source Types (Tools > Source Types) at all. What you will find is i.e. "Certificate: Death - Copy RD". Hope that helps so solve the situation and I am not totally wrong with my assumption.