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About phillipl

  • Rank
    Phillip Leslie
  • Birthday 04/16/1961

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  • Location
    Huddersfield, England
  1. Missmatch 6222 GROLESEN4

    Good news that you have fixed the problem in 9.1. Can you provide us with some indication as to how long we have to wait before this is released?
  2. Missmatch 6222 GROLESEN4

    I experience this bug EVERY time I try to add a witness to a tag which makes v9.0 totally unusable. This fatal error needs fixing as a priority. This error does not appear using the same data in V8.
  3. Yorkshire User Group

    Hi, I am insterested in joining or starting a user group around the Huddersfield area, with the idea of meeting once every 3 months. Please contact me if you are interested. Regards Phillip Leslie. (Huddersfield)
  4. The path for the backup is to my local disk - C:\tmg\backups This directory exists and contains my backups from 6.6
  5. Can anyone help? When I try to backup my project, I always get the following error. I Could re-install v6, and the go through all of the upgrades, but I would prefer to not!. Error: OLE error code 0x80040154: Class not registered. 39 MENUOBJTMG.MBACKUPWIZARD Thanks Phillip