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  1. Does TMG v9 support the output of exhibits to endnotes in Journal reports? This used to be supported until v8.04, I believe, when the release notes said: "IN DEVELOPMENT: Reports / Options / Exhibit tab - The output selections to footnotes and endnotes are disabled until a number of issues are resolved." This feature worked fine in v6 and v7, and I won't be upgrading until it is restored.
  2. Hi all, In TMG 6.09 when I attach a text exhibit to an event, the exhibit is correctly exported as an endnote the first time the event appears in a Journal report (output to Word). But then lo and behold the exhibit is repeated in the endnotes every subsequent time the event is referenced. There are many ways to cause this to happen. Here are two examples: a) On a Will tag with 1 citation, attach a text exhibit (for example, an abstract of the will). P1 of the Will event is the testator, witnesses are people named in the will. In the Journal report, the exhibit will appear as an endnote after the endnote for the citation, for P1 as well as any of the witnesses who appear as descendants in the report. On a Deed tag, attach a text exhibit (for example, an abstract of the deed). P1 and P2 of the Deed event are grantors, witnesses are grantees. In the Journal report, the exhibit will appear as an endnote, for P1, P2, and any of the witnesses who appear as descendants in the report. In a previous version of TMG I reported this as a bug and the behavior was changed to only output the exhibit the first time the event appears in the report. Now TMG is back to the old behavior. Is this what others want? Is there a way to turn off the repetition? Thanks, Gary Hines Auburn, IN