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  1. I'm running TMG V 6.07 on my laptop running XP Home. I have been getting an error message whenever I use the Add Mother or Add Father menu link. The error dialog box says "Variable 'LLRET" is not Found 175 FRMADDPERSON.MVALIDATE". I click the Ignore button and the person is added with all data intact.
  2. Gulbransen, Ann

    www.gulbangi.com; I'm researching 5 primary lines, the ancestors of my father Bertrand Fox, his two wives Mary Ziegler and Patricia Noyes, and my husband's parents LaMar Dyches Gulbransen and Mary Ann Green. I have over 16,000 people loaded so far and growing constantly, compiled from sources that range from primary documents to myth and legend. My site was updated to a new version using John Cardinal's incredible Second Site 2 July 2007. There is only minimal post processing needed - a bit on the front genealogy page and a couple of minor edits to pages to correctly reflect a non-traditional relationship.