For some reason, none of my posts to the TMG group appear, although I receive everyone elses. Have tried all of my email addresses; none let me post. So, maybe this is the better place to post what I tried to get up to the rootsweb listserve......
I just got a FireHD8 tablet that someone didn't want anymore. FireHD is Amazon's tablet that runs on the Android platform. Naturally everything about it is proprietary. I have no great usage plans for this tablet but would like to install TMG 9.05 on it to use with my TMG database that will be on a flashdrive. The tablet has a 64Gb microSD drive, so there is plenty of room to store at least the program. I also intend to use it for email. I have two questions: 1. Has anyone installed and run TMG9 on the Android platform, and specifically on the FireHD tablet? 2. Is it better to install the program on the tablet and keep the database on a flash drive, or to do it the opposite way,,,,or to keep both on the tablet (actually the microSD card)? Advice welcome. Thanks, Judith