Am tearing my hair out!! I imported some data from an old .sqz file into an existing project and copied it to my existing data set, deleting the data set that was imported. So far, so good. However, numerous people in the old file are duplicated in the current project, so I need to do a lot of merging.
I used the check for duplicate people facility but cannot get it to come up with what it should do. On the default setting, none of the people who should be merged show up. I have tried fiddling with different settings and the only way I can get the people to be merged to show up is to have no evaluation for given names and it comes up with over 16,000 possibilities from a data set of just over 3,000. It seems to have no regard for dates either, matching my 18 year old daughter with some ggg aunt from the 19th century and they don't even have the same initials. Most of the people to be merged have exact surnames in both sets of information, but don't show up when checking the exact surname or soundex boxes.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!