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GedStarPro and Pocket Genealogists

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Who can discuss with me the advantages and disadvantages of these companion products. I have looked in the FAQ's and also the user guides and am not confident of the needs of these two products.

Dean C Hagen


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Hi Dean,


I am just a user of TMG and have used one of these packages, but not the other. I am not sure what you mean by the "needs" of these two products? The basic difference between them is that they run on two different underlying operating systems for handheld devices. GedStar PRO works only on devices with the PalmOS system. Pocket Genealogist works only on devices with Windows Mobile. Both have software that runs on your Windows workstation to convert your TMG data files into files that their software can use and then to download those files on to the device.


These software packages are very useful to download a copy of your data on your handheld so that you can look things up when on the go. However, most comments I have heard are very favorable about these packages but indicate people do not generally use them for data entry. If you really want the full power of TMG while "out and about", then most people seem to want a full Windows portable computer running the full TMG software, and make a point of syncronizing data between the portable and their home desktop computer as needed.


If you have more specific questions then perhaps an active user of one or the other could answer.

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Michael is correct in my case definitely. I use GedStar Pro on my Palm LifeDrive which is a godsend! I cannot enter data into my database except as a memo which is fine with me as I've never entered data directly into my db while recording research data. I prefer to make notes and verify and analyze them first, prior to entering the info into my db. However, for reference purposes, it's invaluable.


The advantage? I can carry my LifeDrive along with its keyboard in my purse everywhere I go without having to pack my laptop all the time.......




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Hi Dean


Ditto on what Michael and Joan have said. I have a Palm LifeDrive with GedStar Pro loaded on it and there have been times when it has been of great use. I can slip it in my jacket pocket and take it anywhere. And, like Joan, I use it for reference at times when I don't have access to my pc, like in a graveyard, for instance, and the fact that I can't do data entry on it is no problem for me, because it would be a real pain to enter data on a device that small, even if I could.



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I use GedStar Pro on my Palm Treo 680 Mobile Phone which I can not do without, so I can do genealogy on the run, without having to wait for a notebook to start up! I use the voice record function of the treo to make short note's so I can update the main tmg database later.



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