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Journal photos of not married

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I am trying to print a Journal report with spouses and their photos. It all works well until someone is not married but have children together. The journal does not print the photo and the name.


What am I doing wrong?


Many thanks for any help!


Kind regards


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You're using the settings to output the spouse image that we discussed earlier?


Works fine for me. Took and checked spouse image output. Deleted the Marriage tag and re-checked spouse image output. No change. The spouse image was output fine.


A Marriage group event is not necessary in this context.

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You're using the settings to output the spouse image that we discussed earlier?


Works fine for me. Took and checked spouse image output. Deleted the Marriage tag and re-checked spouse image output. No change. The spouse image was output fine.


A Marriage group event is not necessary in this context.



Yes I am using your settings and having tried a lot of things, I now know why it did not work. The person did not have a Birth date recorded and evidently the Journal then does not pick that person up....


Having entered the Birth date (even only a year was fine) everything works again.


Many thanks for your helpful advice as always.


Kind regards


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Yes I am using your settings and having tried a lot of things, I now know why it did not work. The person did not have a Birth date recorded and evidently the Journal then does not pick that person up....

I think that you must be saying that a spouse with no tags to be output in the spouse info section but with a person image doesn't appear. That makes sense because with no tags to output, the spouse info section won't be created.

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From reading this thread, it sounds like spouse's photos can be included in a journal report. This would be a great idea! I have gone though all the option tabs on the journal page, but cannot find how how to activate this feature. How do you include spouse's photos?

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