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Moving or adding layouts

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Layouts (*.lo files) are stored in User Program Data Files, by default:


Windows Vista:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\The Master Genealogist v7


Windows XP and Windows 2000:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\The Master Genealogist v7


For information on the location of v7 data files, see Help > Data File Storage.



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I'd think the easiest way to move them is to included them in a backup, then then restore them along with other settings. Be aware, however, that if the second computer has a different screen resolution then layouts may not work well there.

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I'd think the easiest way to move them is to included them in a backup, then then restore them along with other settings. Be aware, however, that if the second computer has a different screen resolution then layouts may not work well there.



Many thanks for such a prompt answer!


Kind regards


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Layouts (*.lo files) are stored in User Program Data Files, by default:


Windows Vista:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\The Master Genealogist v7


Windows XP and Windows 2000:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\The Master Genealogist v7


For information on the location of v7 data files, see Help > Data File Storage.





Many thanks for such a prompt answer!


Kind regards


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