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Master place style default

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I'm using the 7.03 UK version with advanced data entry , but the place styles on event tags frequently defaults to the US style when I would prefer the UK style .


How do I make the place style default to be UK since the "Custom styles" under preference is greyed because I'm using the UK version


In the Master style list the "US standard" is listed first followed by the "UK standard" and I can't see where I can change the order ?





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The Custom Styles setting in Preferences applies to new Data Sets you create in the Project, not to any existing Data Sets. In current Data Sets, styles are set in three places:


1. The default styles for the Data Set are in Data Set Manager, accessed from the File menu.


2. Individual Tag Types by default use the style set in the Data Set Manager, but another style can be set for specific Tag Types on the General tab of the Tag Type Definition screen, accessed from the Master Tag Type List, Tools menu.


3. Tags created from the Add Person screen by default use the Data Set default styles (not the style set for the Tag Type in the Tag Type Definition screen). You can change the styles used for these Tags on the Add Person Template, accessed by clicking the Setup button on the Add Person screen.

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I know we have beat this to death more than once but what is the possibility of coming up with one common way to change place and name styles? Many of us want to use custom styles all of the time but have to continually manipulate TMG to make this happen. Any suggestions for a permanent solution.

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I don't understand.


I thought there was one common way. So long as you haven't set styles for Tag Types and the Add Person screen individually, there is only a single setting now.


What's not permanent about the current arrangement? Why do you have to "continually manipulate"?

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So long as you haven't set styles for Tag Types and the Add Person screen individually, there is only a single setting now.

For a given project, you do need to check the Add Person style settings and make sure that they are set to 'Use data Set default style' (if that's what you want). They may or may not be set to that choice.

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