Bob Velke 0 Report post Posted September 23, 2008 ================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 23 September 2008 Issue 2008, Number 13 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== In this issue: o Did You Know? - Contest winners o Monthly Special - 25% OFF o New Data CDs from the U.S. o New Data CDs from Canada o TMG Companion Products o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === Did You Know? - Contest Winners ============== In the last newsletter, we invited submissions to the popular "Did You Know?" column. We offered a $20.00 gift certificate to each person whose submission was published here and a $100.00 gift certificate for the best submission. Thank you to everyone who made a submission in order to share their tips with other users. Following are the contest winners: Winner ($100 Gift Certificate): Research time at the archives or genealogy library is very precious and we don't want to waste a single second of the time we are there. Did you know... that you can go online to the library's website, and search for books or records that you are going to use while you are there, and then in TMG you can create a source for each of those books or records. You can even attach tasks to those sources to remind you what you want to look for in those books. Even if you run the TMG maintenance features, like Optimize, or Validate File Integrity, those unused sources won't be removed from your database. While at the library you can quickly and easily use those sources to cite the information you find while you are there researching. You won't be wasting precious minutes creating proper source citations while at the archives or library! Teresa Ghee Elliott Honorable Mention ($20 Gift Certificate): When I'm entering a series of similar events (like Census) for a person, I enter one and then copy it (choose Copy Tag from the Add menu). Then I just go into the new tag and change the one or two details that are different (e.g., tag type, date, etc.). The nice thing is that the copy process also includes the citation(s) so it can really speed up data entry. Lisa Shelley A popular report for family members is a List of People, for some, limited by a flag. Columns in the report are, Name, Father Mother, Birth Date, Death Date, Married date, Spouse's Name, Burial Cem, Burial City. Order by Name and then put into a Spread Sheet, set Page options to print Gridlines. This several page "Report" allows persons to see a glance family members and where the ‘permanently reside’. John Mort I have a lot of people with the same or similar names in my project. When I'm looking for someone, I'll often use the Project Explorer because I can click on the plus signs and see the person's whole line of descendants on the screen. I'll also link the Project Explorer to other windows (with the right-click option) and then put it side-by-side with the Tree View. Then as I navigate through the list of people, I can see their ancestors AND descendants at the same time. Clayton Roberts Do you know that you can configure a journal report so that for each person a narrative or free text block will appear after the life events and just before the listing of children? Enter your narrative text in a series of notes with sort dates later than the death date for that person. By using multiple notes ordered by sort date, each narrative will include citations as footnotes or endnotes, yet will be presented as an organized story. Run your journal report, add exhibits and you have a nearly finished book. Bruce Garner Accents are fantastic as long as you are working within TMG but get lost when you go to paper. I indicate my ancestors with (*) in the suffix field - make following my own lines in any of the report! I do most of the teaching for our local TMG Group and recommend this to all new users. Edwin W. Strickland II One of the documents that I take on a research trip is a list of the surnames that I am most likely to encounter. I do this with a Distribution of People (DOP) report that is filtered by some relevent geographic characteristic(s) like place of birth, burial, etc. The default DOP report is pre-configured to give me unique surnames sorted in descending order by frequency. I study the list while on the plane or when my husband is driving. More than once, I've flipped through a book or census record and recognized a name that might not otherwise have stuck in my brain. Alice Eberhart I use the new Associates Window (v7) as a way to keep an eye on the big picture. I filter the list for unique people and reduce its size so that I can only see the first two columns. It doesn't take much room on the screen and it helps me to see each person's "circle of friends." It shows accents too. Larry Singer I use the bottom row of the screen to hold shortcut buttons that help me navigate or do common tasks. I put the Bookmark toolbar there, for instance, with one bookmark for each of the male heads of major families so I can jump right to them. I also put the custom toolbar there with buttons to add tags of a certain type, go to my favorite research sites on the web, or produce reports that I use frequently. The Status Bar has to be turned off (Preferences > Program Options > General) in order to dock a toolbar on the bottom. Angela Levin Congratulations to all of the contest winners! === Monthly Special - 25% OFF ========================= The following popular book is available at a 25% discount for a limited time: Patricia Law Hatcher, PRODUCING A QUALITY FAMILY HISTORY (1996). This book is for anyone looking to create a useful, lasting history of your family. It should adorn the library or bookshelves of all genealogists! Whether you're an amateur or professional, chances are the ultimate goal of your research is to produce a quality family history. Producing A Quality Family History, by Patricia Law Hatcher, guides you through the steps required to create an attractive - and functional - family history report. Learn how to organize your work, how to write the narrative, choose type faces, grammar styles and punctuation. You'll also see how to create useful bibliographies and discover ways to incorporate photos and illustrations effectively plus much, much more! The suggested retail price of this popular book is $19.95. It is on sale for a limited time for just $14.96. === New Data CDs from the U.S. ========================= The following new data CDs are now available from Landon C. Bell, OLD FREE STATE (VA); A CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF LUNENBURG COUNTY AND SOUTHSIDE VIRGINIA, (1927) 2008. $19.95 At its creation in 1746 Lunenburg stretched westward from the current Brunswick County border to the Blue Ridge, paralleling the North Carolina border for over 140 miles. Seven counties: Campbell, Franklin, Halifax, Henry, Mecklenburg, Patrick and Pittsylvania as well as portions of Appomattox, Bedford and Charlotte were formed from the territory in its original boundaries. Early settlers of the area, in addition to migrating Virginians, included Marylanders from the Chesapeake Bay area, Huguenots and Scotch-Irish and Welsh from Pennsylvania. This two-volume, 1200-plus page tome contains almost 300 pages of genealogical data which, while not completely documented, frequently has source citations or references to original compilers. (more...) W.W. Scott, A HISTORY OF ORANGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA FROM ITS FORMATION IN 1734 (O.S.) TO THE END OF RECONSTRUCTION IN 1870; COMPILED MAINLY FROM ORIGINAL RECORDS, (1907) 2008. $9.95 Written by former State Librarian W. W. Scott, whose family ties to Orange County pre-date its creation in 1734, the volume draws heavily upon material found in the county order books which the author read page-by-page. Although he states that genealogy is eschewed in his text, the researcher will find it replete with information of value. Ten appendices provide lists of importations, the 1782 census of county residents, the will of President Madison, lists of men who served in the Revolution and the War of 1812, county military commissions from 1734-1784, a roster of the Montpelier Guards during John Brown’s Raid in1859, roster of Confederate Soldiers from 1861 to 1865 and lists of members of the various conventions and of the colonial House of Burgesses. (more...) === New Data CDs from Canada ===================== The following new data CDs from our sister company, Archive CD Books Canada, are now available from ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL ATLAS OF THE COUNTIES OF FRONTENAC, LENNOX AND ADDINGTON, ONTARIO, (1878) 2008. $38.49 This Illustrated Historical Atlas is a great resource for researchers trying to locate people in the three important, adjacent counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington. Important because the city of Kingston, the one time seat of government in Canada, lies in the county of Frontenac and this was a major area for imigration for the United Empire Loyalists. The publication date for the atlas is 1878 and while it is silent about the age of the data - and the maps are undated - it probably represents the situation in the period between 1876 and 1878. (The latest date of settlement in the Patrons Directory is 1877 while the Historical Description mentions events which took place in 1878.) (more...) Walter Stevens Herrington, HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF LENNOX & ADDINGTON, (1913) 2008. $26.95 Here is another of the great turn of the (19th) century county histories of Ontario. The author, Walter S. Herrington, K.C., already the author of at least three books about Canadian development, begins his history at the beginning, with a discussion of the First Nations people's use of the area and of the earliest "white" exploration by Champlain. This area we now call the County of Lennox and Addington seems to have been little inhabited until it was decided to use it to "house" a good number of the incoming United Empire Loyalists, the first of whom arrived in 1784 before the government's land survey teams had finished laying out the concessions which made up "the first five townships." (more...) Multiple authors, PAPERS & RECORDS VOL. I (1899), ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, (1899) 2008. $19.95;p=CA0171-99 This is a complete reproduction of the papers presented to the Ontario Historical Society in its formation year (1899.) These annual publications are often a gold mine of valuable genealogy and history information but it can be difficult to recognize because it tends to be hidden within the overall Papers and Records volume title. For this reason we have also published most of the individual papers presented herein as Gleanings under more descriptive titles. (more...) H. C. (Horace Cecil) Singer, HISTORY OF THE 31ST CANADIAN INFANTRY BATTALION C.E.F., NOV. 1914 TO JUNE 1919., (1938) 2008. $23.95 We are taking the publication date of 1938 for this wonderful military history from the date on the foreword. The author or, as he styles himself, the Compiler and Assembler, Maj. H. C. Singer, ably assisted by Mr. A. A. Peebles, has left us a document which will at once satisfy both the military strategist and those looking to understand the personal experiences of this group of fighting Canadians. (more...) Hugh MacIntyre Urquhart, THE HISTORY OF THE 16TH BATTALION (THE CANADIAN SCOTTISH) C.F.E. IN THE GREAT WAR, 1914-1919, (1932) 2008. $33.49 In this book the author, after a brief prologue to set the scene, starts this history with the formation of the Battalion at the Valcartier camp (Quebec) in May 1914. He then provides a detailed, chronological account of the battalion members experiences throughout the whole period of the fighting finishing with its disbanding in Winnipeg in May of 1919, almost exactly 5 years later. Nicknamed "The Canadian Scottish" the 16th Battalion was formed from four existing regiments. The "Scottish" label seems to have derived from the backgrounds of the original constituent regiments: The Gordons (50th Regiment), The Seaforth (72nd Regiment), The Camerons (79th Regiment), and The Canadian Highlanders allied with Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (91st Regiment). (more...) VERNON'S LONDON (ONTARIO) DIRECTORY - 1944, (1944) 2008. $33.49 A fine and very comprehensive directory of the inhabitants of London, Ontario in the period leading up to 1944. The directory estimates the population to be 87,171 at the time of publication and runs to over 800 pages. The data is presented in several formats including a Business Directory, an Alphabetical Directory and a Street Directory. Also includes "Miscellaneous Information," mainly public services provided by local government but also entries for various religious and civic philanthropic organizations. Numerous advertisements throughout. (more...) Gilbert (aka George) Clarence Paterson, LAND SETTLEMENT IN UPPER CANADA 1783-1840, (1921) 2008. $17.95 The author of this book, George Patterson, scoured the Ontario Archives to put together this report, initially presented to the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and the Provincial Treasurer, but which now provides us with an unbiased, factual, account of the planning and allocation of settlement land in Upper Canada, today called Ontario. This is the book which all serious genealogical researchers in Ontario need in order to make sense of the layout of the counties, townships, towns and villages and to understand how their ancestors land allocations were determined. This, in fact, is the key so many of the otherwise baffling facts we find on the maps and in the records of Ontario. (more...) Graham Garrett, A BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF DAGUERREOTYPISTS IN CANADA 1839 - 1871. $52.95 Compiled and written by one of Canada's foremost experts on early photography, Graham W. Garrett, this index provides the most complete and exhaustive listing of people and companies in Canada involved in the making of daguerreotypes using the process invented by the Frenchman Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre in 1839. This early photographic process was immediately in competition with an alternative process, announced in the same year by Britain's William Henry Fox Talbot, which made calotypes (also known as talbotypes) or to use Fox Talbot's own words, "photogenic images." (more...) Bertha Wright Carr-Harris, WHITE CHIEF OF THE OTTAWA (THE), (1903) 2008. $17.95 Although written in the narrative style usually associated with a novel, the author assures us that this is not fiction but a depiction of the facts and events exactly as they occurred, or exactly as her research told her that they occurred. The tale being told is that of the settlement of Philemon Wright, the first settling farmer in the Ottawa valley who set up his homestead on the north shore of the Ottawa river directly opposite the present site of the capital city. (more...) E.G. (Edward Geoffrey) May, Walter H. Millen, HISTORY OF THE PARISH OF HULL, QUE. 1823 - 1923, (1923) 2008. $12.49 The by line in this book credits the Rev. E. G. May and Walter H. Millen as the ‘compilers’, but from the preface it is clear that much of the content was taken from a series of articles first published in The Montreal Churchman in 1913 and authored by Archdeacon Naylor. This original material has then been enhanced and expanded by a number of other named individuals to finally arrive at this more complete history of the Church of England in the city of Hull, Quebec. Of particular value is the books appendix which, in addition to reproducing a number of documents of critical importance to the church’s development also contains various lists of the bishops, incumbents, wardens and those parishioners making donations to fund the actual building of the first church. (more...) A. H. D. Ross, OTTAWA PAST AND PRESENT, (1927) 2008. $21.95 Starting with the exploration of the Grand (now Ottawa) River by Samuel Champlain the story moves along to the establishment of the first settlement of farmers by Philimon Wright and then to the selection of the Rideau River as the basis of the construction of the Rideau Canal. The enormous influence this canal construction project had on the development of the area can be appreciated when it is realized that it was then the longest canal in North America and was intended to provide a safe route for powered vessels to supply the military establishment in Kingston as a lesson learned from the war of 1812. (more...) Harriet. Priddis, THE PROUDFOOT PAPRES EXTRACTED FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE LONDON & MIDDLESEX HISTORICAL SOCIETY, (1922) 2008. $17.95;p=CA0276-P1 The Rev. William Proudfoot was sent, as a missionary, to Canada by a branch of the Presbyterian church in Scotland in 1832. From the time of his appointment he kept a journal, or daily diary, of his activities, his impressions, and of the events in his daily life. This included both professional and secular matters and also seems to have filled the role of account book, as well as his personal reminder. It was from this journal, or more correctly from the collection of many individual volumes of this journal, plus a collection of draft and received letters as well as other family mementos, that Miss Harriet Priddis extracted and recorded this fascinating insight into the life of one of the earliest settlers in the London, Middlesex area of Ontario. (more...) Robert. Collier. Fetherstonhaugh, THE 13TH BATTALION ROYAL HIGHLANDERS OF CANADA, 1914 - 1919, (1925) 2008. $21.95 Anyone who has done any reading about the military units raised in the Montreal area of Quebec will probably be familiar with the author of this book. Robert Collier Fetherstonhaugh seems to have been unable to serve his country in the more conventional sense but he more than made up for this with the wonderful, factual unit histories and tales of valor he penned for a number of military units based in the Montreal area. Robert Collier’s special skill is in factually recounting all the infinite details of a military unit on the move and at war while making it an interesting story. (more...) C, Beresford Topp, THE 42ND BATTALION, C.E.F. ROYAL HIGHLANDERS OF CANADA, (1931) 2008. $21.95 In his opening address the author, Lieut.-Colonel C. Beresford Topp, D.S.O., M.C., declares this book to be " ... based on the 42nd Battalion official War Diary ..." Any reader, however, who has ever struggled to fully comprehend the content of any official war diary will soon recognize this as an understatement of the amount of work and care he has put into making this a clear, concise and readable history of the activities of the Battalion. (more...) ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL ATLAS OF FRONTENAC, LENNOX AND ADDINGTON AND HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. $47.95 This is a compilation of two books comprising as complete a history was provided by the literature available at the turn of the 19th century. Surprisingly in view of its political importance there is no record of a significant history of Frontenac being published until about 75 years later. The two books are: "Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Ontario (CA0168) and "History of the County of Lennox & Addington" (CA0169) (more...) Charles Lyons Foster, William Smith Duthie, Achilles Daunt Golden, LETTERS FROM THE FRONT IN 2 VOLUMES, C1920, WITH SUPPLEMENT, (1920) 2008. $33.49 Subtitled: "Being a record of the part played by officers of the bank in the great war. 1914 - 1919." Over 1,700 staff members resigned their positions with the Canadian Bank of Commerce to go and "do their bit" in the Great War. As letters began to trickle back from these erstwhile bank employees the bank's Staff Inspector (what we would call the head of Human Resources today) conceived the idea of publishing a series of pamphlets containing suitable edited extracts from these letters so that remaining staff members, and indeed customers, could follow the fortunes of those "at the front." It was not long before these 11 initial pamphlets began to find their way to "the front" themselves and were eagerly passed around so that news of other bank employees could be shared. (more...) Multiple authors, Joyce Beaton, EARLY CANADIAN LIFE - VOL. 1, (c.1977) 2008. $17.95 Published by us in Volumes starting in December 1976. Our reproduction of this periodical resulted from an online discussion of some detail of pioneer life in Canada which has long since slipped into obscurity. The important outcome, however, was our introduction to Joyce Beaton who, together with her partner Janice Johnston, published this periodical between 1976 and 1980. While not in the "front line" of "hard genealogical data" the multitude of stories and articles in it do fill in a great deal of that all-iimportant background on our ancestors lives. It was for this reason that we are providing a wider availability of these original publications through the media of a digital format. Nominated as "Best News Magazine in Canada in 1975" (more...) 1837 REBELLION LOSSES (CANADA): CLAIMANTS FOR DAMAGES, 1849, (1849) 2008. $17.95 Here is a very rare and useful piece of data. As a by-product of the 1837 Rebellion (or Troubles - depending on your point of view) a number of early Canadians made claims for compensation for losses of property, business and in some cases physical capabilities (i.e., personal injuries.) These claims were made against the administration of Canada and as Canada was still a "Crown Colony" they ended up in front of the British House of Commons for consideration. This document then is an, "Appendix to the First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Losses occasioned by the Troubles in Canada and Ordered to be printed 6 June 1849." (more...) THE STORY OF THE SIXTY-SIXTH C.F.A, (1919) 2008. $14.49 The 66th Canadian Field Artillery was recruited in Montreal but, judging by the included Nominal Role, it was manned as much by men from outside Montreal as by those from within it. This, in its own right, is somewhat remarkable since the recruitment took place in March of 1916 and it might have been thought that enthusiasm for joining up would have waned with the duration of the fighting and with the reports of the deaths reaching home. Not So! The recruitment office was inundated with applications and could easily have filled every position twice over. (more...) === TMG Companion Products ====================== The following companion products which were developed for TMG users like you: "A Primer for The Master Genealogist" A great new book for beginning TMG users by Terry Reigel. See "Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist" The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman - now available in electronic form. See Video training for TMG on DVD Getting Started, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert See Second Site Web site construction tools for your TMG data. See Latest version=2.1 Build 10 Pocket Genealogist The TMG companion program for Pocket PCs and other Windows Powered devices. See Latest version=3.11 GedStar PRO The TMG companion program for PalmOS users. See Latest version=3.2 GenSmarts The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly. See Latest version= Map My Family Tree See Latest version=1.4.11 Chartform Delivery An inexpensive chart printing service See For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum ( and click on "Companion Products." === Wholly Genes online chat ======================= The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be this Saturday, 27 Sept 2008, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to and click on Public Chat in the Support menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! === How to reach us ============================== For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: or write to: Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 9110 Red Branch Road, STE O Columbia, Maryland 21045 410-715-2260 410-730-9734 (fax) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites