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Who was born here Filter

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I recently visited Germany and the villages of my paternal grandfather. As I drove through each village, I wondered "Who of my ancestors and today's relatives might live here?


The next time I go, I'd like a printed out list by village by person by event and date. Is there are filter to do something like this already availble?

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There are probably many different ways to get something like what you want. One way I might try would be a List of Events report. You can choose to output columns for the various Place fields and sort on them, as well as output the event date and the Principals names.

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There are probably many different ways to get something like what you want. One way I might try would be a List of Events report. You can choose to output columns for the various Place fields and sort on them, as well as output the event date and the Principals names.


I'm surprised that TMG does not have an easy way to search for people who are linked to a particular place.


UFT has a menu bar option to Search > Individual > Presence that allows the user to search for everyone associated with an event (in any role) that occurred in a particular place in a specified time period.


I have found it very useful to locate relatives that might be referenced in some new on-line data base for a particular local. I've found a number of people in data bases I would not have searched, since I have not remembered (or my wife had done the data entry) recording anyone in that area.


TMG filters can be powerful search tools, as many experts have explained. However, it takes practice, and maybe a certain way of thinking, to design one for a particular need. And even if you can put together a filter for a particular task, it may not be perfect, so that you do not get all the records you want. And you may not realize that you are missing some data.


It would be nice if there were a way for filters to be packaged up in a nice fill-in-the-blank form, which experienced users could create and distribute to less skilled users.



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I'm surprised that TMG does not have an easy way to search for people who are linked to a particular place.

First, people aren't linked to places... events are.


Second, with that in mind, it does. Open the Master Place List, select a place, and click the [Events] button.

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You make Pierce's point! Knowlegde of filters and the workings isn't easy. When you're starting out it's a struggle with lots of wasted time. As Pierce said: "It would be nice if there were a way for filters to be packaged up in a nice fill-in-the-blank form, which experienced users could create and distribute to less skilled users."


I did go to the 'Master Place List' and 'Events'. I figured out how to make it work; however, I couldn't figure make it print!


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There are a ton of pre-packaged filters included with the Sample project which can be copied to your project. There are some collections of TMG filters on the Roots Users Group web site (don't have the URLs).


Filters are easy if you simply think about the question that is being asked, select an appropriate List of... report and look through the filter list to select a filter. Filters are like any tool. Use them and you develop a knack for it.


Following those rules...


You are asking about certain events and certain places...


So you chose the List of Events report.


List of Events

Tag Type... Label = [?] AND

Place Contains [?] END


Run the report and you are prompted for the name of the tag type. Enter that and you are prompted for any text from the place.


Doesn't get any easier than that.




You can construct in excess of 40,000 filters in TMG.


You say the learning curve is steep. It's really not. You just need to make an effort to understand a few simple rules about how data in the TMG database are tied together. You just think about the question being asked and follow the trail of breadcrumbs that are laid out in front of you until you get to the other end.

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It would be nice if there were a way for filters to be packaged up in a nice fill-in-the-blank form...

Actually, they already is.


Open the List of People report, select Filtered Group, and click the Add button to create a new filter. When the Report Filter screen opens click on the Query by Example tab. Right there are blanks to fill in places for birth, marriage, death, burial, and/or any event - do so and you have exactly what you are asking for. :)


You can also specify dates for the same types of events, whether male or females or both are to be included, and include parts of names if you want.

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You make Pierce's point! Knowledge of filters and the workings isn't easy. When you're starting out it's a struggle with lots of wasted time. As Pierce said: "It would be nice if there were a way for filters to be packaged up in a nice fill-in-the-blank form, which experienced users could create and distribute to less skilled users."


The URLs for the RootsUsers filter help files that Jim mentioned:


Filter basics:



Favorite filters:



For a list of the filters (over 50) provided in the Sample project - and which you can copy to your own project - see page 7 in the article here:





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I did go to the 'Master Place List' and 'Events'. I figured out how to make it work; however, I couldn't figure make it print!

Printing is a Report. Thus my suggestion to run a List of Events reports sorted by place. Such a report could even be filtered for a value in one of the place fields, e.g. Place 5 equals Ohio.

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I realize this topic was last updated in 2004. Hopefully someone will see this new post.


I need help writing a query / filter.


This is what I need to create.

I need a list of people.

Born >1908

Died < 1976

State = North Carolina


I need to further delineate the filter to

Citation (source #21 is present)

Citation (source #70 is missing)


Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Kind Regards,

Michael B

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I realize this topic was last updated in 2004. Hopefully someone will see this new post.



For a new question you really need to create a completely new topic. Otherwise other users are unlikely to realize it is new and won't respond. But I will try to help.


I need help writing a query / filter.


This is what I need to create.

I need a list of people.

You may need a list of the people that have these characteristics, but you are primarily describing conditions about events. You can get there, but I think it will take two steps: first an appropriate report filtered to identify the desired events, and then identify the people associated with these events.


Born >1908


State = North Carolina

You will need to be more specific. People can have more than one Birth tag. I presume you want to look at only the one marked Primary? The same question applies to the Death tags. And must both date conditions be true, or is one enough? Remember you may have (for example) people who have a Birth tag but you have never entered a Death tag. What about them? Next, do you want people where they were both born and died in North Carolina? Or could only one of these two events occur in that state? Or do you want people that had any event in North Carolina, even though they may not have either been born or died there?


I need to further delineate the filter to

Citation (source #21 is present)

Citation (source #70 is missing)

Again you will need to be more specific. People can have many tags, each of which might or might not have a given citation. Do you want these citation conditions to apply to any tag the person may have? or only the Primary Birth tag? or only the Primary Death tag? or either one or the other Birth or Death tag? or both?


As a general suggestion, I think you will need to start with a List of Events report that has an appropriate filter, and then use the Secondary Output of that report to set a temporary Flag for all the people who qualify. Now you would be able to either use the Project Explorer or run a List of People report filtered on that Flag's values.


Hope this begins to give you ideas,

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Some questions need to be answered in order to write the filter (if, depending on the answers, it is possible):


You say State = North Carolina. Does that mean the birth and/or death has to be there, or any event can be there?


The citations - must be present or absent in the birth and/or death tag(s), or in any Tag?

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Some questions need to be answered in order to write the filter (if, depending on the answers, it is possible):


You say State = North Carolina. Does that mean the birth and/or death has to be there, or any event can be there?


The citations - must be present or absent in the birth and/or death tag(s), or in any Tag?



For the writing of my filter, I will be more specific. All Tags below are Primary. Since Michael's reply, I have looked in the filters Field and can't see how to also include or exclude non Primary Tags. If possible perhaps a variation could be included in your reply.


Birth Year > 1909 AND (no other birth filters required)

Death Year < 1976 AND

Death State = North Carolina AND (from this point down I am lost)

Death has Citation Source #21

Death does not have Citation Source #70




Michael and Terry, thanks for your help. I did not start a new Topic question, because this existing Topic seemed to most closely be inline with what I wanted to do...... "write a filter" in this case Birth's. In my case, it relates to Death Tags. But if I can learn how to delineate down to the Citation then Source, I or others could apply these techniques to any Tag


The only choice I can find in the Subfield drop down box is [# of Citations] That does not help. I can't figure how to Select a missing or present Source number.



Michael Baker


If necessary, I can post this question in a new Topic

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Maybe I am going at this Filter the wrong way. I am using the

  1. to write this Filter. Because I wanted a List of People

After reading some more, I am beginning to see that other Lists, like Lists of Citations, Events, or Sources may be able to generate the data by backing out from the Citation Source number then find everyone who is attached to those Citation Source numbers. Wow, my head is spinning.


The light is on,,,, it's dim,,, but it is ON

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No need to post elsewhere.


As you found, you can't filter for citations with the List of People report. But I think you can do this with three steps.


First, use the List of Events report, which can filter on citations, to set a temporary Flag. Then, use that Flag in the List of People report to get your final result.


Start by creating a Flag, maybe named Citation, with values of N, Y.


In the List of Citations report, use a filter like:


Tag Type... Abbreviation =Equals DEATH AND


Any Citation Src Number =Equals 21 END


And use the Secondary Output to set your Citation Flag to Y


Then, again in the List of Citations report, use a filter like:


Tag Type... Abbreviation =Equals DEATH AND

Any Citation Src Number =Equals 70 END


And use the Secondary Output to set your Citation Flag to N (this is the not equal to 70 term).


Finally, use the List of People report with a filter like:

Birth Year > 1909 AND



I think that will do it.

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Getting closer,, my Filter Progress indicates that

Clause 1: Tag Type ... Abbreviation = Death: 0

Clause 2: Date - Year < 1976: 100939

Clause 3: Any Citation... Src Number = Equals 21: 3608


Obviously Clause 1 is giving us a net result of Zero ,,,,,,,,,,,, DUH ,,,,,,,, after typing all of the above I figured I better go and find out what my "Abbreviation" for my Death tag is. For what ever reason,,, import from FTM, my abbreviation for death is [d.]

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Getting closer,, my Filter Progress indicates that

Clause 1: Tag Type ... Abbreviation = Death: 0

Clause 2: Date - Year < 1976: 100939

Clause 3: Any Citation... Src Number = Equals 21: 3608


Obviously Clause 1 is giving us a net result of Zero ,,,,,,,,,,,, DUH ,,,,,,,, after typing all of the above I figured I better go and find out what my "Abbreviation" for my Death tag is. For what ever reason,,, import from FTM, my abbreviation for death is [d.]




Thanks Terry.!!! The report(s) run flawlessly.

Out of 72, 797 individuals I had a few thousand with Citation Source #21 a few thousand with Citation Source #70

a net difference of 229


This will narrow down my research time SIGNIFICANTLY.

Just for fun, my Source 70 means that I have a copy of the person Death Certificate. I now have a list of 229 people for whom I still must attach a copy of their Death Certificate to their Death Tag


Many Many Thanks

Michael B

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You're welcome, Michael,


Sorry about the misleading instruction - I should have checked that filter more carefully. It should have been Label instead of Abbreviation. But I see you worked it out.

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