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Karen Mauer Green

Will I be able to have my TMG on the new Droid smartphone?

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TMG is a Windows application and will not run on a smartphone based on the Android operating system.


You need to find some 3rd party developer with an Android application that will allow display of TMG data or a GEDCOM on the Droid.


Look at sites like...



Here's an app and a discussion of the issue...



Family Bee





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I recently installed GedStar Pro for Android on my HTC Evo (available through Market on Sprint phone). It works great. No ability to edit, but all I need it for is when going to a research facility.


The software itself is a free download, but there is a cost to purchase the converter program.

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I recently installed GedStar Pro for Android on my HTC Evo (available through Market on Sprint phone). It works great. No ability to edit, but all I need it for is when going to a research facility.


The software itself is a free download, but there is a cost to purchase the converter program.

Thanks Jim and Bizegrama - sounds a bit like the Whollygenes link to Gedstar pro needs a bit of an update



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Just a thank you to Jim Byram for the reassurance on Gedstar Pro on Android.


We'd repeatedly put off the decision on a smart phone, because nothing matched up to Gedstar Pro on the old Palm. Seeing your post here last week decided us and we went for Android.


So I am now using my old favourite Gedstar Pro on a Samsung Galaxy S2. Took two of our trees on a trip.

As a new user of smart phones, I found the Menu Index a bit quick under elderly fingers, but once I master the app, I believe there are favourites and short cuts etc to improve navigation.

Most amazingly, locations were located on the Google map - though no doubt this small miracle of technology may exhaust my download allowance which also remains a mystery at this stage.


A great luxury and we avoided taking a lap top with us. I do appreciate the input on this Forum.

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