cassin 0 Report post Posted January 2, 2010 I would like to print a "list of people" report that lists all the people in a particular cemetery in my database. Is there a way to also print next to each person how I am related to them? I have the "Relationship feature" enabled in my project. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michael Hannah 0 Report post Posted January 3, 2010 As is often the case with TMG there is more than one way to do your first request. Assuming you put the name of the cemetery (e.g. "Memorial") in the Detail field (Place field L2) of a tag in the Burial Group one way might be a List of People report, but filtered something like this: # of Burial Group tags / / > is greater than / 0 / AND Burial Group / Place Detail / Contains / Memorial / END Since you are really asking about a Burial event, I would probably use a List of Events (LOE) report, possibly filtered something like: Tag Type Group is / Burial / AND Place L2 / Contains / Memorial / END I would probably have the List of Events report Output Columns include the "Prin1 ID" and possible the "Prin1 Last, Given". But the advantage of the LOE is that the Output Columns could contain the specific "Tag Type Label" if you have multiple kinds of custom tags in the Burial Group, as well as both the full "Place" and the tag "Memo". If you did not put the cemetary in the Place field, but put it in the Memo instead, then the filter could have "Memo / Contains" instead. And if there is a "Memorial" cemetary in too many places, then simply make the filter more detailed by ANDing the values of the city and state in their place fields. As for including the on-screen calculated Relationship in a report, I can't think of a way, but maybe some other user will have a suggestion. Hope this gives you ideas, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virginia Blakelock 0 Report post Posted January 3, 2010 If you don't have too many people, you could enter the relationship manually (copying it from the auto-relation tag) into one of the Detail fields (if that is where you name the cemetery) or Memo fields in the Burial tag. The screen shot of a List of Events report shows the relation entered in Detail 2 and Memo 2 of the Burial tag where the Cemetery is named in L2. The second screenshot is of the Columns in the report definition. To speed up entering the information: - --Make a text macro 'of Jane Alexander' for that data, and only have to enter the relationship in the tag field. - Also to save time, assuming you are using the Burial tag: --- Filter the Project Explorer (PE) for Burial Group > Any Place Field > Contains > Cemetery name. --- Rightclick in the PE and 'Add all names to Focus Group'. You can save a Focus Group (FG) for later use, and I prefer the FG to the PE for working down a list of people -- less shuffling of data and opportunity for error. --- Go the Details view of the first person in the FG, highlight the Burial tag, rightclick and 'Filter for tags of this type'. Now as you step through each person in the FG, only the Burial tag appears in the Details view - ready to edit. Virginia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michael Hannah 0 Report post Posted January 3, 2010 Virginia makes a good suggestion about manually inserting the relationship calculated by TMG as text in your Burial tag. An alternative is to create a separate custom tag (e.g. "RelatedToMe") with appropriate sentences, and manually insert the relationship that TMG has calculated into the memo of that custom tag. In most reports you could choose whether to include that tag in the report, and even the List of People and List of Events reports could output the memo from that specific tag as a column. That way you could output the relationship in most any report, or as a column in a List report filtered for most anything. (If not everyone in your database is related to you then you could even use the Focus Group to identify those people. Starting with yourself you could Add Others for your Ancestors, then Add Others that are those peoples' Descendants, etc.) Depending upon the number of people in your database adding and initializing this custom tag may be a bit of work, but typically for most people it would only need to be done once. Hope this gives you ideas, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites