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Donald Joseph Schulteis

Site -Font Size say 8-9 point

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Hi Donald,


Changing font size probably depends upon your browser. I use FireFox. If I open the WG Forum and then use "Ctrl-+" several times to increase the font size for the Forum, that does not affect the font size when I open any other site in a separate tab. However, opening another tab of the WG Forum (say to reply to a topic) keeps the larger font size for any other WG Forum tabs.


Hope this gives you ideas,

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I found this aanswer helpful too - but I am wanting to increase the font size of the Person Tab where the Name and Tags appear - they are so smalll I am using a magnifying glass to read them. I tired the cntrl + method without any luck. PLEASE Help!!!

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In the Person View in TMG, rightclick and select Preferences / Lists. Change the Minimum and Maximum font size to say 10 or larger. If you need font help with other areas in TMG, let us know.


Note you have added your question to a thread about the font size in forum messages on the board here, not in TMG. For future questions about the TMG program, you can post on the v7 or v6 subforum depending on the version you are using.



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