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External Exhibit Fix

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Hi everyone. I transferred TMG7 to a new computer, and we copied the photo folders to something that made a lot more sense, because they were scattered all over the place before. Now I have plenty of broken exhibits (which is to be expected). I run the verify integrity tool, but it will not search subdirectories of folders I specify, making that tool fairly useless. Is there a way to force it to search these folders recursively, or do I really have to go and click every single one of them by hand? That seems so ridiculous that I feel like I must be missing an option somewhere.



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Nope, you are not missing an option. VFI will search only the folders and subfolders that you explicitly specify in the list.

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Another software, PathWiz!, allows you to filter the project for missing exhibits, and change the paths. If the change is simply a drive path change, say from C: to X:, with all subfolders below remaining the same, you may be able to use PathWiz to make one global change. If each missing exhibit moved to different subfolders, then you may have to click into each missing exhibit (on the PathWiz screen or form) and navigate to the new location. Here's the webpage: http://beesoft.soho.on.net/BeeSoft/PathwizV8/index.html



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Another software, PathWiz!, allows you to filter the project for missing exhibits, and change the paths. If the change is simply a drive path change, say from C: to X:, with all subfolders below remaining the same, you may be able to use PathWiz to make one global change. If each missing exhibit moved to different subfolders, then you may have to click into each missing exhibit (on the PathWiz screen or form) and navigate to the new location. Here's the webpage: http://beesoft.soho.on.net/BeeSoft/PathwizV8/index.html



Thanks for this tip, Tom!


After taking a look at PathWiz (yikes...) I decided to use the TMG Utility on the old PC to just convert every single exhibit into one folder. I now only have a few I can correct by hand. Thanks!

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If that is your objective, it can be done simply with TMG.


1) Backup and include exhibits. That will collect all of the exhibit files into the backup.


2) Restore and restore the exhibits to the default folder or to a specified folder. That will collect all exhibit files in one folder.


3) Run VFI and use the external exhibits feature. Specify the folder containing the exhibit files. All exhibit paths in the exhibit table will be updated to the current location.

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Hi, Jim.


I'm trying to do it with your method, but even with all of the options checked for what to backup, it's only making a 300 odd meg backup file. That's way too small for all of the external exhibit files to be included in that. I don't see it collecting all of the exhibits into a single location anywhere.

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Hi, Jim.


I'm trying to do it with your method, but even with all of the options checked for what to backup, it's only making a 300 odd meg backup file. That's way too small for all of the external exhibit files to be included in that. I don't see it collecting all of the exhibits into a single location anywhere.


My guess is that this is because, TMG is backing up exhibits that it "finds" and those that you said were relocated and missing are not included. So, you're still left with locating the missing exhibits.

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Thanks for the help.


I ended up using TMG Utility to just export everything to a new directory, and when I transferred the database over, I pointed to it to fix the missing images and it worked like a charm.


Now I'll just cross my fingers that v8 gets rid of a lot of these weird quirks, such as being based on FoxPro. Sigh.

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This has been a problem for uses of TMG for years.

I cannot add more then what others have said above, but I can suggest a way to overcome the problem in the future.

I suggest you create a new folder in your C drive root folder called say "TMG Exhibits" (it can be anything you like)

Within that new folder you may have as many subfolders as you wish to keep your exhibits organised.

It would also be a good idea to change the address for the exhibits in preferences/advanced.


The assumption here is that every computer has a C drive (altho exceptions are rare) so when moving your TMG prog and data to another computer, all you need to do is copy the "TMG Exhibits" folder to the new C drive root folder and TMG will find it and therefore all of your exhibits.


Sure it requires a little bit of work, but it sure beats the hassle of trying to relink exhibits each time you have a major computer crash, etc.

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