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How to pay from outside US or UK

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Hello everyone,

I've downloaded the Trial-Version of TMG8 and thinking about an Upgrade. (Although the Trial shows me, that the Trial-Time is expired an I could only read my imported TMG7-Data.)


But: wich possibillity do I have to transfer the price to you from Germany?

Please give me a hint!


Thank you for your help!


Many greetings from Hannover, Germany

Mark A. Waldmann

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I would just go to the updates page from the whollygenes site and start the order and see what options are offered. If that doesn't help you, just cancel out.


Otherwise, you need to contact Support. Be patient. They are very busy at the moment.



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Hallo Vera,

I write also from Germany (I'm also member of the tmgde-Yahoo-Group[mathewchem]).

Is the v8 also in GERMAN available?

Best greetings from Dresden


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TMG8 has a German language option for the program screens.

File / Language / German

And many items such as tag types, roles, sentences, styles and report elements have German translations.

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