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8.01 Upgrade disaster

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I attempted to upgrade my new TMG 8.0 to 8.01 today. I iniated the upgrade process through the Check for Update menu item. It seemed to be going fine, then it stopped with the following error message "There is a problem with this Windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected." Then it said it was rolling back the changes to the original state. I thought everything was ok until I realized that the original state was before I had installed TMG 8. Everything was deleated, including the desktop icons and the listing in the start menu. On the plus side my data is still intact as it was stored elseware, however it is a little disconserting that this would happen. I am going to download the current version and install it and see what happens. I did save the upgrade log if you would like to see it

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As a follow-up to my last post, I just now downloaded the trial version of TMG 8 and attempted to install it. It did the same thing that the update did. I also saved the tmginstall.log file for this attempt as well. I forgot to mention that I am running Windows 7 32bit. I also was installing the program on my D drive instead of my C drive as I do with all of my software.

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One more follow-up. I was able to sucessfuly install TMG 8 using the copy that I downloaded when I originally upgraded to TMG 8. I think I will leave well enough alone for now.

Edited by rstclair52

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