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Visual Fox Pro Crashing

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I corresponded with Support a few weeks ago enquiring why my copy of TMG v8.01 kept crashing after throwing up an error dialogue to the effect that “Visual Fox Pro has stopped working”. We came to no satisfactory conclusion or solution at that time but now I have found I can get it going again by validating file integrity then reinstalling the program. It then runs OK until I start to add or subtract exhibits to or from a person's exhibit log via my external folder of exhibit files.

Anybody else had this trouble? Any ideas?


Roger Jackson

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I'm not sure what you mean by "add or subtract exhibits to or from a person's exhibit log via my external folder of exhibit files." Exhibits should be added or removed from inside TMG, not by erasing files from the exhibits folder. If a file is missing from the folder, the TMG exhibit log should show a frowny face or a thumbnail of the file. That shouldn't cause a crash, and if it does, there may be a bug of some kind. There have been some scattered reports of trouble with exhibits. I've had no trouble myself, so if there is a bug it must arise under special circumstances.


Adding exhibits to the folder without installing them from inside TMG should have no effect.


Which operating system are you using, and what is the location of the exhibits folder?




Edited by Robert Jacobs

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