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Help needed installing on new computer

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Could anyone help please I have used TMG since version 5 and updated to V8 gold which is working great on my windows Vista ultimate 32bit


But the computer is having a few problems now as It is now 6 years old so have purchased a new computer running on windows 7 64 bit I am having trouble using the SQZ backup from my old computer into TMG on the new computer it is not loading and it is saying I should not use a back up taken from another computer. Is there any advice anyone can give me the backups are on a memory stick .. Thank you in advance




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Lorraine -


Copy the .sqz files from your memory stick to a folder (like the default TMG Backup folder) on your new computer and Restore (not 'load') the backup from there.


Did you download and install on your new computer the latest version (v8.06) of TMG? I am a bit confused by a message that you 'should not use a back up taken from another computer.' Could it be that the backup was from an earlier or later version of TMG and that was the gist of the message?



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Hi Virginia


Thank you for the reply I did put the back up into the folder not from the memory stick and it is the latest version. But just had a thought my version 8 disc was sent by post with an upgrade from version seven which I downloaded from the site so I am not sure if the disc is the full version ? ,




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Lorraine -


If you installed on your new computer the v8 from your original disk, then it is probably not the latest version, and you could not Restore a project which was created in a later version. You should download the free trial version (always the latest version) from the Wholly Genes web site at




Use the Control Panel to uninstall the disk version you now have and install the trial version. Let us know if you have any problems with the new install and Restore.



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Hi thank you took me a while but uninstalled everything of the new computer and copied my folder from my documents on the old computer with the back up files in and put that on first then installed the trial version from wholly genes and restored and that has worked thank you for the help



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