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Master Source List

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I have been going through my Master source list and standardizing my Abbreviations and Titles. When I sort by abbreviation, I see the abbreviations, but when I sort by title I get the abbreviations, and not the titles Why is that?

Leonard Montgomery

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Leonard -


You have two views of the Master Source List - the Less view and the More view, as seen in the screenshots below. You can switch between them with the Less/More buttons. The information is presented differently, depending on the view. It helps to experiment with the Sort option and play around with the two views to get a feeling for how the details are displayed and which view is most helpful at the time.


LessList.jpg MoreList.jpg



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Virginia -


I have a related question. I am using the Master Source List to clean up my sources, add missing repositories, etc. In the case of sources with only one or two citations, is there any way to access the individual(s) cited? This would be similar to accessing individuals from the Master Place List and would be extremely helpful.


Bill Hayes

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Bill -


You can't do it from the Master Source List - but by using a List of Citations (LOC) report, filtered for the Source Number.


If you will be checking multiple sources using the LOC, the routine can be automated a bit by adding buttons for the Master Source List, LIst of Citations and 'Run last Report' to your custom toolbar - so you can quickly move back and forth between the two.



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As Virginia says, using a LOC filtered for a specific source number you can specify as output columns:

Linked Record; Subject 1; ID

Linked Record; Subject 2; ID

and get the ID numbers of the two Principals.

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Virginia & Michael -


Thanks - that is exactly what I needed and I am hard at work cleaning up imported sources.


I will have a large number of sources that are no longer cited. Is there an easy way to delete them? I dread having to delete them one at a time.



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Sorry, Bill, I know of no way to delete groups of sources. But if you sort the Master Source List by the column showing the number of citations, those with zero citations will be easy to spot.

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