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Default Country

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Hi Team


Australia is the default Country on my database and shows up as the Australia place style for my Event data entry layouts.

A number of my Events however occurred in the UK.


When creating new events that took place in the UK the place style does not stay as UK but reverts back to the default which is Australia.


Is there any setting I can change so that the events that take place in UK have a place style UK at the same time events that take place in Aussie land show the place style as Australia.


Your continuing support is appreciated



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From Help...

NOTE: A Place Style is associated only with the Place record in the Master Place List. Changing the Place Style will affect all tags where this Place is used, regardless of what style may have been set when that place was entered in that tag. A Place Style can be assigned as part of Data Entry of a tag, but that style choice sets the style for that Place record in the Master Place List. If the place already exists in the Master Place List, setting the style on a tag will change the style for all tags where that place is used. A Warning will be given to be sure this change is intended. If two Master Place records differ, but only in some field which is not output such as the Comment or Temple fields, then these two Place records may be set to different styles.


When you add a new event, if you use an existing place, then the style will be that saved with the place record. You can change it, but that changes the style for the place record and this affects all events using the place record.

The default style for a new place is determined by the data set default place style (or by the default place style for the event which can override the data set default). You can change that style on the Tag Entry screen and then that will be the place style stored in that place record.

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Dear tauceti,


As Jim has noted, and as described in HELP, the Master Place List (MPL) contains unique entries of places, and each entry in the MPL has one and only one Place Style associated with it. All tags which refer to a given unique location actually simply point to that entry in the MPL. The Place Style is not associated with the tag, it is associated with the MPL entry. The tag just displays the information from that MPL entry. So if you change the Place Style in a tag pointing to that MPL entry, it changes in all the tags which point to that entry.


Unfortunately, it is not easy to see what Place Style is associated with an entry in the MPL, either from the MPL itself without viewing each entry, or from the partial list of the MPL which is displayed if you use the F2 key in a location field. To overcome/workaround this limitation, many of us users have adopted a convention of inserting a "code" which reflects information about this MPL entry (e.g its Style) in some Location field which its Style does not output. Thus such a code could tell you at a glance which entry has which Style so that you select the appropriate MPL entry. (But you would have to manually ensure that the code correctly reflected the Style of that entry.) If you do not use the first (L1/Addressee) location field, then placing a non-printing code in that field which also aids sorting can make the list provided by the F2 key more usable. For a further discussion of the use of such codes, search the archives for "F2 Key". You may find the following post here a good start at this discussion, and an example of using such a code for sorting in the TMG-L archives described here.


Hope this gives you ideas,

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