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Joe Cummings

Images on chart missing portions

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TMG V8.08 and Windows 7 Home Edition.


A few images on charts have variable percentages of the image in a monochrome striped always from the top down of the image. I have run the reports that have images in them and the descendant indented narrative, family group sheet, individual detail, individual narrative and journal reports work fine. The hourglass chart, ascendant and descendant charts have the problem. I have edited the image and reloaded it into the exhibit file with the same problem. I generated a large descendant chart with about 80 boxes having images. A total of 3 images show this problem.


Unable to paste the image in this message.





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All the images I use are TIF with the longest side 2.0 inches. Wish I could include one of the "error" images but cannot seem to paste using IE or chrome.



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Joe -


If it is a large chart with many images, any chance it is a memory problem with the chart? Are these images in the same generation? If so, you might try a small chart which includes those people and their images. You could also try inserting the images in the chart and see if that works. The Insert Image icon in VCF is the square yellow box with a mountain view.



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The same problem exists in a 5 box generation, two levels chart.


Tried your insert procedure and the picture comes in with the same problem.

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Joe -


There is an option to attach an image to a reply. I do not know if that option is restricted. If so, let me know and you can send me the image and I will post it.


Here is how to do it:


On the Reply screen, click the More Reply Options at the bottom right.

Use the Browse button to select the file on your computer.

Click Attach this File.

Click Add to Post (at right end of bar below the message field.


The image will be placed wherever your cursor is when you Add to Post.



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Tried the procedure you suggested but no luck.


(1) Clicked the "More Reply Options" button and that was ok.

(2) There is no "Browse" button in the reply toolbar. Only, "Paste", "Past as Plain Text" and "Past from Word". I have tried the "Paste" and "Past from Word" options. I get a window asking if I want to allow access to the clipboard. I respond "yes" and the only thing that happens is the reply window gets lighter and I can do nothing more.



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Sorry for being so thick but I still do not see the Attach files option!


(1) I do the "More Reply Options"

(2) Here is what the resultant window looks like:

(2a) Replying to Images on Chart Missing Portion

(2b) Is a toolbar line: BB code mode...........................................past from word, editor options

(2c) text function line: B, I,---------------------------------------------(Align right)

(2d) is the entry field

(2e) -------------------------------------add reply, previous post or cancel

Following 2e begins the listing of the topic comments.


There is a right side column in area of 2a-2e that has this selection called post options:

enable emoticons?

enable signature?

follow this topic?

The two "enables" are checked.



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Joe -


Sorry about the confusion. Maybe the moderator window is different. I see a screen like the image in the link below (I added a red arrow to point out the Attach Files info):




If you don't have that screen, send me a copy of the file. Click on my 'picture' icon to get the address.






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Background: There were five image files that would always appear as your above reply in chart reports but showed no such problem in other reports nor in the external folder or the persons exhibit images.


After working with you the problem was solved.


Basically the problem was something strange in the image file data content itself.



(1) Deleted the problem jpg files from the external image folder.

(2) Brought the archived version of the file (tif) into photoshop.

(3) Saved that file back into the repository as a jpg file in same folder and file name as the problem file.

(4) To my surprise the frowny face "missing" file in the persons exhibits did not recognize the replaced file.

(5) I had to "add" the replacement file to the persons exhibit folder.

(6) Copied the "properties" data from the still present frowny face to the added file. Now the replacement image was ok.

(7) Deleted the frowny face file.

(8) Ran the chart reports and no problem.



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