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Plethora of bugs.


I need to get this one corrected first.

I am running a 64 bit version of Windows 7 Professional.

When converting a project from 9.01 to 9.03 format, I get the following error:


Cannot load 32-bit DLL c:\windows\system32\bblistviewv.ocx. 113 TMGAPPOBJ.REGISTERCONTROL


When we get this one fixed, we can get the the original problem I was having under 9.01. That being when trying to add a source the computer locks up. Only way out is to push the computer "reset" or "off" button.


When we get this one solved I have another bug to report that has been present across major releases.


Makes me wonder if this was adequately tested on a 64-bit Windows system.


Best regards,



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I ran into the same error doing the 9.04 update from the 9.03 program itself. Your alternative procedure overcame the problem.

Edited by TomH

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