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DNA info overwritten during restore after install

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environment: Mac mavericks, Parallels 9 windows 7


I installed TMG 9 without any problems or issues. However, when I was restoring my project, I kept getting prompts asking if I wanted DNA files in my project restoration to overwrite the DNA files that had just been installed by TMG 9.


Not knowing any better, I answered YES, overwrite all files with those in my project.


In hindsight, maybe I should not have, since I remember (now that it is too late) Jim recently issuing a new DNA template for TMG8.


My question is: did I lose DNA updates contained in TMG9 by using the ones in my project. If so, will running the template file that Jim provided for TMG 8 undo what I did?

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v9.03 has all of the latest DNA files.


This is a perfect example of why you should use backup only for TMG project files, accents and filters. You can manage exhibits and the 'customizations' files outside of TMG.


There are many 'customizations' such as this that you can backup and then restore over later versions of the files that are added by the installation of a newer version of the program. Doing so is not a good thing.


The mtDNA file posted under the TMG8 forum is the latest version of this file.

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Thanks Jim. Fortunately I had already downloaded the file awhile back but never got around to installing it. However, I found that it was not a zip file, just a file that I had to copy to the appropriate folder, which ended up overwriting the older version. So I guess I am good to go.

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I'm being dense today. You have all of the latest DNA files in the v9.03 program folder. You can simply copy those files to the user program data folder. Restoring your backup did not overwrite anything in the program folder.

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