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Entering the marriage is not an issue - you get a warning, but the tag is entered.


However, you cannot make two people of the same sex the primary parents of a child. The only way I know to do that is to change the sex flag for one of the parents, which can cause issues in some reports. Maybe someone else has a better idea.

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Hi Eva,


This is a recurring issue about using a genealogy program, whose purpose is to document genetic relationships, to try to document family/social relationships. TMG assumes, and enforces, the Primary "parents" of a child being one male and one female and assumes it is a genetic relationship. But TMG does not assume this genetic relationship is any kind of social or family relationship. There is no requirement in TMG that these two biological parents also be linked together by any tag in the Marriage group. That is why TMG will, by default, assume the "event" of a marriage to be between a male and a female, but does not require it to be. As Terry notes, TMG simply "warns" that the Principals of a tag type in the Marriage group are not of opposite genders as expected, but allows such Principals to be recorded in such a tag if desired.


I view a child in a family of two people of the same sex similar to any child who has been "adopted" into a different family, whether or not the parents in either such family are married. The biological parents are still its genetic parents, but the adopted or foster or whatever parents are clearly the parents of its new family. Since TMG always assumes Primary parent/child relationships are genetic relationships, it takes some contortions to record relationships like adopted families in TMG, but it can be done with varying degrees of success.


For my lengthy discussion of those options I have discovered which can be used to "somewhat" force TMG to deal with families of adopted children, see the detailed Adoption topic in the Custom Tag Type Descriptions chapter of my on-line book.


Hope this gives you ideas for your "family" situation,

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I'm having an issue in a similar respect... male and female married couple has 2 children, then divorces, then the father transgenders...

changing the "Sex" flag seems to be impossible... it's "grayed out"...


how would one document this...??

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See the same Adoption topic in my book mentioned above. That discussion starts out by describing the two standard ways of dealing with Adoption: a one person approach with lots of explanatory tags, and a two person approach by creating two separate TMG people entries. In the case of a transgender person I would choose to use the two person approach, so that the SEX flag set one way for one "person", and set the other way for the other. You then have explanatory tags linking the two "people". All life event tags before change would be linked to one person, and all life event tags after change linked to the other. In some ways they are two separate identities, and it is easier to treat them that way in TMG. Scroll down in my Adoption description to the subtopic heading "Two Person Adoption Recording Approach". Hopefully that will give you some ideas on how to do something similar for your situation.

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