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Data entry via Family Group sheet

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I want to send family group sheets to relatives for the to fill out and return. However, when I create them, the FGS contains current info, but does not list blank fields for the recipient to fill in the data.


For example, for married relative 1 whose only known fact is the birth date, the FGS will list the birth date, list the spouse name, but does not provide tags for marriage date, children names and birth dates, etc.


Is there a way to include tags for missing data to make it easier for the recipient to complete? If not, how do other users handle this situation. I will creating 21 forms so adding the tags via word processor for each one would be tedious.



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Terry - Thanks for responding.


I had already tried that and the results were the same as when that box was unchecked. Do the tags have to exist in the individual's records, even if there was no data associated with them, to appear in the FGS?

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That worked perfectly for all but one of my relatives. Once I added a blank 'divorce' tag to the one person with a divorce along with a sort date and it became exactly what I wanted.


Many Thanks.

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