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Ancestor Box Chart Error

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I'm trying to run the Ancestor Box Chart report and get the following error. any thoughts on how to resolve?


"Operator/operand type mismatch. 8



thank you.

Edited by wingfield

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It would appear to be a flag or filter issue. You will need to change the settings that seem appropriate one-by-one until you pin down the source of the error.

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The Ancestor Box Chart is designed to have one focus person. Are you trying to run the chart with multiple focus persons?


There is no reason to create a data set to run a VCF chart unless you are trying to exclude people.

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Hello Jim,


>> Are you trying to run the chart with multiple focus persons?

the focus person is chosen on the report screen. this error occurs before the report screen comes up.


>>There is no reason to create a data set to run a VCF chart unless you are trying to exclude people.

I'm trying to exclude people. I'm creating a direct line ancestor chart (or trying to anyway :>) in order to provide information to sons of confederate veterans. I can manually provide what their looking for; but I was thinking it'd be much easier to just send them an ancestor chart with only the relevant individuals.


I appreciate your help.


any other thoughts?



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ahnentafel-direct line is a good idea; and one I did not know about.


I guess the error is just a bug??


the relationship chart doesn't show anything but names as far as I know.


thank you,



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Here's a fix.



Basically, you need to reset the report configuration to default.


If you can't open the report screen, Virginia explains how to delete the report configuration file.


The short version is that you delete the 'Ancestor Chart.rpt' file located in the Configuration files folder. If there is an 'Ancestor Chart.bak' file, I'd delete that also.

"C:\Users\(your user account name)\Documents\The Master Genealogist v9\Configuration_files\Ancestor Chart.rpt"

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awesome! thank you very much for the fix and the alternate report suggestion. much appreciate your guidance on these forums.


Best Regards,



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