6rtury 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2017 I have a census tag that will not show anything after [M1].The Tag Sentence is:In 1870 [PF] <|and [PO]> appeared on the Federal Census< of [L]><, enumerated [D]>. <Their children [RF:with Parents] were living with them.><[M1]><Also in the household were [R:Other] and [R:Other2].><[M2]>The memo fields are as follows:Gershom \[sp.]\ was 40 yrs. old, and Cecelia 31. Their childrens' ages were 12, 9, 7, 5, and 3, respectively.||Gershom was a dry goods merchant who reported the value of his real estate holdings at $2000, and his total estate at $3000. His place of birth was Prussia. Cecilia's the same. [R:Other], a 22-yr old man from Prussia, was a dry goods clerk \[possibly in Gershom's store]\; [R:Other2] was a 60-yr old black cook from South CarolinaEvery shows well up through the first memo segment. I've checked everything I can think of, including all variable names, tried all permutations and have had no success. I'm sure it's probably something very simple. Other eyes will help.Thanks,Judith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
6rtury 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2017 Problem solved. Terry Riegal pointed out that I had misplaced literal characters. Judith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites