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From TMG v7 Windows to TMG v9 for Mac?

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I have had a break in my family history since 2007 and since I have gone from Windows to Macintosh. I used TMG 7 Gold and the latest setup file I have is tmg7setup.exe that has date Jan. 3, 2010.

I have copies of my TMG data on burned CDs. Latest backup is from Dec. 31, 2007 and is named "Kurt 29072006-1527 2007-12-31 09-27-47.sqz".

I have a serial number and an order number.

Is this possible to get started with TMG again?

Edited by Hansen

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TMG Version 7 has some problems running on the latest versions of the Windows operating system. TMG Versions 8 and 9 were released to deal with many of these issues as well as fix bugs and add enhancements. For these reasons I suggest you try to purchase a license for the final Version 9 while you still can.

See the topic: http://www.whollygenes.com/forums201/index.php?/topic/15915-tmg9-final-installers-v905/

If you do choose to contact Harry to purchase a Version 9 license, give him some time to reply as selling these is a part-time activity for him.


No matter what version of TMG you choose to use, TMG will only run under Windows. The only way to run TMG on a Mac is using some form of program which allows a Windows operating system to (also) run on that Mac. Glenn Gilbert (who unfortunately has since passed away) posted several instructions about doing that, especially using Parallels. His most current posts deal with running the final TMG Version 9 on a Mac, but they would probably be adaptable to Version 7.

See: http://www.whollygenes.com/forums201/index.php?/topic/15980-tmg-9-on-mac-in-2015/


Note that you will still need to obtain and install an appropriate Windows OS as part of this solution. If you choose to stay with your existing TMG Version 7 then I recommend getting Windows XP. Otherwise the TMG final Version 9 will run on the latest Windows 10.


Hope this helps,

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Thank you very much, Michael


Of course, I will immediately order v9 and after that I have to try to get Windows running on my iMac. It's an act I've feared for years, but I understand that it's my only chance to re-enable my TMG?


I have the original CD/DVD with Windows 7. I hope that this wil work.

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Thank you very much, Michael

You are quite welcome.


Of course, I will immediately order v9

Good idea. I hope Harry will be able to get to you soon.


and after that I have to try to get Windows running on my iMac. It's an act I've feared for years, but I understand that it's my only chance to re-enable my TMG?

Yes, TMG only runs on Windows.


I have the original CD/DVD with Windows 7. I hope that this wil work.

Yes, I hope it will too. I have no experience with a Mac or the separate Parallels software or installing Windows under Parallels, but I do know that others have been successful.


If you do have problems or questions, you may want to post a message to the TMG-L Email list where many TMG users continue to respond and some users who have done this may be able to offer suggestions.

See http://lists.rootsweb.ancestry.com/index/other/Software/TMG.html


Good luck, and welcome back to TMG.

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