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Changing data from one source element to another in different group

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Way back I used the "Second Person" element/group for an itemtype element. Now thinking through my go-over of TMG sources, I would prefer the ItemType element was an alias/ingroupof RecordType which I have since cleared from use as SecondPerson is a name element. 

Is there a way to change all SecondPerson (aka my ItemType) element to a RecordType? Actually more generically is there a way in TMG or TMG Utilities to transfer content already in Sources from one element/group to another element/group?

Thanks for ideas. I have tried some simple things but I have a feeling that the only way to make this change inside TMG is to make the new element and then copy/paste the data in each and every relevant source from the old element to the new preferred one.

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I can't think of an easy way to do this.

However, you can produce a Columnar type of the List of Sources report which could help using a Filter of:

Second Person- Other // Is Not Empty // END

Output the Source "Abbrev" and "Source Number" and you should be able to work your way through these sources.

I can think of two ways to do this. 

A- Define a new equivalent but alternate Source Type for each current Source Type which uses "Second Person", where the "old" Type has templates which include the "Second Person" element, and the "new" Type instead has templates which use the "Record Type" element.  Then change the Source Type of all the affected Sources and cut/paste the data from the now unused Second Person element to the Record Type element.

You will know which Source Type uses a given element in its templates by the style of the name of that element on the General Tab. A name enclosed in <conditional brackets> means its only uses are <conditional> .An Initial uppercase letter means the element is Required in at least one Pattern sentence and therefore “something” will print for this element. If the element name is all lowercase letters, this element is not defined or used in any Pattern or output sentence for this defined source or source type so anything you enter is not defined to be output anywhere.  Once you change the Type it will be easy to see which name needs its data cut/paste.

B- This way is probably more prone to error but... Modify all the Source Types which currently use the "Second Person" element to add the new "Record Type" element in the same place in the templates, making sure both elements are conditional.  Now for of all the affected Sources cut/paste the data from the Second Person element to the Record Type element.

Hope this gives you ideas,

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