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John Cardinal

Gedcom Publisher

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Gedcom Publisher is a ground-breaking application that creates an electronic book in EPUB format by combining text and images you enter with information taken from your GEDCOM file or TMG project. Gedcom Publisher knows the ins and outs of constructing a book in EPUB format, and it knows how to read your genealogy data. That means you can focus on the content of your family history book.

Digital publishing is very popular, and it's likely that when our grandchildren mature, most if not all their reading will be e-books, not paper books. It's unlikely that paper books will disappear, but the trend is clear.

Electronic books in EPUB format use HTML and CSS, which are also used in web sites. Unlike web sites, however, the result is a single file that is easy to share.

Using Gedcom Publisher is like using Second Site, but the result is an EPUB file rather than a web site. Second Site users will be familiar with some of the basic building blocks, like the Person Entry section. There are many differences, however, owing to the capabilities, rules, and limitations of reading devices and the EPUB format.

For more information, please visit the home page for Gedcom Publisher here: https://www.gedcompublisher.com

You may also be interested to review an example book: https://www.gedcompublisher.com/en/example.htm

The example book link above uses a browser-based e-book reader. That reader is not very robust and has a few rendering issues. For the best results, you can download the example book to your tablet or PC. Download the "AZK" version for sideloading to a Kindle app on your iOS device (iPad, iPhone).

John Cardinal

Author of Gedcom Publisher, GedSite, Second Site, and TMG Utility

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