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Charles J. Vella

Descendancy Narrative report problem

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After transfering TMG to new laptop, when I try to run a descendancy narrative report, I keep getting only 1 person listed per page; so if I have a descendancy list of 50 people, instead of seeing them on 2 pages, they are listed separately on 50 pages. Help!


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In all TMG genealogy reports, both descendants and ancestors, you normally specify just one person -- the starting person. The report then finds all the others depending on the setting you make in Options. If you specify more than one starting person you are asking for a separate report for each one.

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As Jim and Terry noted, if you specified 50 people as the Subject(s) of the report in the Report Definition (possibly by specifying a Focus Group created by adding descendants) you will get 50 reports each starting its own page.  And if you are getting only that one person per each page, check what you have specified as the number of generations of descendants to list for each subject.  That value is in the Report Options on the General tab just under the report title.  It sounds like that value may be just one.  Instead you probably want only one person as the Subject of the report (e.g. the farthest back person in the Focus Group), but set the number of generations to some large enough number to get all their 50 descendants.

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