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Military Service tag type error

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For many many years I've avoided using this particular tag type because I always got an error message when I tried. It is the only tag type that I've ever tried to use that gives me an error message.

The error messages are:   1. operator/operand type mismatch. 5

                                              2."frmevents cntparentchilda mvalidate"

                                              3. Variable 'laroles' is not found. 61

I looked at passed post and was not able to see anything like this. Can anyone help?

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When I attempt to delete this tag type, It tells me that I can't because it been used 8 times,

Is there a way to see where those 8 tags have been used?

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OK..Thanks. The flag was used 8 times and after I deleted the 8 occurrences, I was able to go back and delete the Flag. I must have created that Flag several years ago and forgotten that I had done it.

Do you happen to know if, when I created this custom flag, did I do something wrong that resulted in these errors? It must have worked OK when I used it on these 8 people.

Anyway, thanks so much for your help. I appreciate it very much.


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