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Exporting and deleting a branch of my family

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About ten years ago I exported a branch of my family as a sqz file and then consequently deleted it. I cannot figure out how I did this. I have two branches that I have determined are not part of the family but would like to save them for future references. Also would like to delete from my tree. Using version 9. 

Any help would be appreciated.


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Before doing anything, make a backup of your project (project files, accents and filters).

I'd do something like this.

1) Make a focus group of the individuals that you want to remove.

2) Use the secondary output feature of the List of People report to export those people in the focus group to a new project. (You can then open the new project, make a backup, and delete that new project after making the backup.)

3) Using the original project... Create a new data set with the Data Set Manager and move the people in the focus group to the new data set. You can then delete the new data set using the Data Set Manager.

Follow the same procedure for any group of people that you wish to remove.

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