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How can I insert a citation in the middle of a memo?

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How can I insert a citation in the middle of a memo?

Applies to: TMG


Answer: Use an embedded citation.


Type the information, then right-click and select Embedded Citation.

Highlight the correct source from the Master Source List and click [select].

In Basic Data Entry mode, the citation will be entered into the memo field in the following form:


[CIT:]1;[:CIT] . The number is the source number.


In Advanced Data Entry Mode the Surety window will appear. The citation will be entered into the memo field in the following form:


[CIT:]1:3;[:CIT] . The first number is the source number and the second number represents the surety.


Add any citation details that you wish, such as page numbers, etc., after the semicolon in this form: ;This is the citation detail.


If you add citation details, the final form will look like this: This is the text.[CIT:]1:3;This is the citation detail.[:CIT]


NOTE: Embedded citations do not support a split citation detail field.


The citation will not appear in the text, just the superscript number of the citation.


Related keywords: Data Entry Modes, Sources


Where to learn more

  • Including Citations Within the Memo Field (manual/help)
  • Citation Detail (manual/help)
  • Preferences, Program Options, Data Entry

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