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Board Statistics

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We get to see the Board Statistics for the past 15 minutes and for the current day, but is there a way to show even more statistics? For example:

1. Could we see the past weeks totals by day of the week?

2. Could we see "Records"? (What was the most total Members in 1 day and when did it occur.)

3. Could we see "Records"? (What was the most total Members and Anonymous Members in 1 day and when did it occur.)

4. Could we see "Records"? (What was the most total Members, Anonymous Members and Guests in 1 day and when did it occur.)

5. Could we see a running list of totals by month?


Not that I'm asking for all of these, but, for some reason, I am interested in seeing more than just numbers that reset at midnight each night. The first time I come on each day I find myself wondering what the previous day's totals were. Yeah, I know, call me a nut, :wacko: but it might be interesting. :D

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Hey, you're a fan of statistics, right?


As you mentioned ....for some reasons....you're interested in seeing more.

May I ask you what kind of reasons?

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Hey, you're a fan of statistics, right?


As you mentioned ....for some reasons....you're interested in seeing more.

May I ask you what kind of reasons?

Vera, its nothing really earth shattering. I think that the additional statistics might provide some kind of closure (not sure that's the word I want to use) for those of us that look at them. When I come on in the morning I find myself wondering what the final total was for the previous day. I noticed a couple day's ago that the total was well over 100 (the last I saw it I think it was over 120 or 130) and I wondered what the final total was. Then I wondered if it set some kind of record. :D And then I started wondering what kind of monthly totals were available and how the current month was doing compared to previous months. :blink: And then, and then, and then I woke up! It was all a dream! :sleepy: It was then that I knew... :wacko:

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I don't think you are ever going to get bored. You are amazingly entertained by the simplist of things.  :winkkiss:

It's gotta be that 2-1/2 year old grandson of mine! :D Amazing how much kid I have left in me. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, wait till he goes home, and you find yourself missing Barney. :huh:

When my youngest went to Kindergarten, I was in such a funk. THen I realized I missed Dora the Explorer. :D

After years of little kids shows, they had become my soap operas. Now I watch very little tv, but occasionally I still get my Dora fix.

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