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Tips and Hints

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Teresa, you threw me by responding to a Tip and Hint :) but, upon reflection, I guess that it is a good idea to allow it. With that in mind, I've moved "Tips and Hints" to the Other section (at the bottom of the main page). It is still moderated for original posts but unmoderated for replies.


We'll see how that works out.

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Teresa, you threw me by responding to a Tip and Hint :) but, upon reflection, I guess that it is a good idea to allow it.  With that in mind, I've moved "Tips and Hints" to the Other section (at the bottom of the main page).  It is still moderated for original posts but unmoderated for replies. 


We'll see how that works out.



That sounds right. You or a moderator would want to check the hint to make sure that it makes sense to the reader. (I often write like I think :rolleyes: and sometimes it's hard for others to follow.) But if someone has a question about a tip, they should be able to post, and then the original poster can clarify, or someone else can add to the post to make it more readable. That way, if someone has a really good tip we can archive it here and not have to search TMG-L archives for it later.


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