Admin 0 Report post Posted September 7, 2005 ================================================== Wholly Genes Newsletter 29 May 2005 Issue 2005, Number 7 ================================================== You received this newsletter subscription by your own request. To unsubscribe, see the end of the newsletter. Please do not respond to this message. Its mailbox is for outgoing messages only. See "How to reach us" below. ================================================== o TMG v6.01 is now available! o NEW: Expert training video o NEW: Badge holder o Free charts at NGS Conference o Wholly Genes online chat o How to reach us === TMG v6.01 is now available! ================== The Master Genealogist v6.01.000 is now available. This free update includes a collection of bug fixes and a few new features as follows: NEW FEATURES: - The font size for memo fields can now be set in Preferences / Options / Program Options / Data Entry. - An option to Paste Unformatted Text to memo fields has been added to the Edit menu and to the Memo right-click menu. - Exhibits can now be sequenced for narrative report output in the Exhibit Log using drag and drop (person exhibits in the person's Exhibit Log, event exhibits in each event's Exhibit Log). - HTML reports: The HTML tab 'File Header' field can now use an external file reference (e.g, "!c:\myfile.txt"). FIXES: Display: - Fixed issue of Mother label in Name box displaying as Mother-Bio. - Life span in Name box was incorrect with incomplete mm/dd/yyyy date. - The P2 no longer causes a checkmark to be in the Tag Box Witness column. - The PE/Picklist display of non-primary names is now updated correctly after the primary name is edited. Data entry/Navigation: - Unable to add or edit witnesses to event types for which Principal and Witness were the only roles. - A fatal error could happen when editing text in memo fields. - A copied repository could be linked to the wrong repository record. - The data set and tag type place styles are now respected on Tag Entry. - Fixed some issues with the F3 repeat function. - Fixed various Citation repeat issues when exclusion markers were involved. - Cancelling Citation Entry no longer creates a citation to source #0. - Witness and Citation sorting were reset when other edits were made before saving changes. - A delay when adding a witness to event tags has been fixed. - F9 now saves edits to the sentence on the Add Witness screen. - The repeat functions for History group tags now use the same repeat lists as those used for other tag groups. - Edits in some expanded memo fields were not being saved under some circumstances. - The Memo right-click menu Spell Checker selection didn't work. - Fixed various issues associated with using default and custom sentences. - A new tag type now defaults to group of the tag type selected when you click [Add]. - Fixed some issues resulting from editing/deleting role names in the Master Tag Type List. - Sentences were lost if you created a new tag type and edited the tag type name before selecting the tag type group. - When you rename a tag type in UK English, the tag type name used in filters was not updated. - A fatal error could occur when selecting a source element from the General tab of the Source Definition Screen. - New projects created by the UK Edition were missing the repository memo and citation memo source elements. - Standardized the results when using the three copy functions (Add/Copy, LOP/Copy to project, LOP/Copy to data set). - Data set merge was not copying custom styles. This showed up when adding UK customizations to a data set. - Warnings were added to prevent using the same label at different levels in custom styles. - The current position in the Research Log is remembered when you edit a task. - Position in the Master Event List was not remembered when you edited a tag from the list. - Some other 'navigation' problems have been fixed Configuration: - All columns added to the Tag Box are now saved in the Layout. - The new memo field didn't respect system display setting for background color. - Fixed abbreviation for Montana (MT) in abbreviation table. Miscellaneous: - Fixed a problem that altered the tag type table on project update (Mother/Child -Fst issue). Project update to v6.01 will repair the tag type table if the Mother/Child -Fst issue exists. - Some error messages and problems with filters occurred when the Language Pack was not installed. - Fixed issue of multiple projects with similar names being added to the backup SQZ file. - Several DNA fingerprint titles were corrected to match the vendor designations. - Fixed a problem with GenSmarts use when place fields had exclusion markers. - Various fixes were made to the caption update during project update. - The bottom of the Exhibit Log now shows text from the Caption field. Journal report: - When you selected to output memos to footnotes and unique sources to endnotes, the memos were output as endnotes. - Fixed problem with 'suppress living'. - If suppress details for living people is selected, the report will not print the name of descendants who have children. - Inconsistent output when 'Group common birth places' is selected. - Fixed an issue with non-primary name output when 'BMDB in a separate paragraph' is not selected. - Characters were added after male children in reports output in non-English languages. List of Citations report. - There were problems with filters in a project with multiple data sets. - You can now filter for all citations linked to a given tag type. - The citation memo was not included in the output. List of Events report. - You can select custom flags for output columns. - The output column for number of tasks displayed the number of exhibits. List of Names report. - There were problems with some sentence filters. List of People report. - Sources weren't copied using List of People / Copy to new project. - Sources used only by embedded citations were not copied using Copy to project and Copy to data set. - The filter was fixed for Name-Marr Suffix Is Empty. - New Place subfilter didn't work correctly. - Filter fixed for Father-Bio Number of Citations 0. List of Places report. - Filter for Comment Is Not Empty screen showed a value field when it should not. List of Sources report. - Author ID... filters are fixed. List of Tasks report. - Fixed several issues with general tasks. List of Witnesses report. - Fixed some incorrect column headings. Miscellaneous Reports: - An erroneous interrupt message occurred when generating a report containing a bibliography. - When generating a report to a word processor file, the font options for Dates, Places, Memos, Exponents, and Labels are all dimmed. - Fixed character output to Word for † (ALT+0134) and ÿ (ALT+0255). - Characters should be displayed on the Fill-in-the-Blank screen as they are typed. - HTML reports. '' characters should be encoded on output. - HTML reports. The external file reference for the Introduction field now works. GEDCOM: - Some issues of adding inferred name parts to imported names were fixed. - Fixed a problem of text export when using the alternate CONC setting. - Citation exhibits were not exported. GenBridge direct import: - FTM: Multiple parents are now imported. - Generations: blank events are no longer imported. - Legacy: ToDo items are now imported. - PAF: Divorced event is now created. - UFT: Fixed problem importing custom tags in Dutch and French. - Fixed a variety of more obscure bugs that were reported by users. === NEW: Expert training video =================== Wholly Genes is proud to announce the fourth in a series of popular training videos on The Master Genealogist. The self-paced tutorials are among the best ways to learn TMG. The new "Expert" video covers some of the most sophisticated features of TMG, including: - custom roles - sentence structures - source templates - citation output - chart accents - editing charts The training series is professionally produced by The Studio of Hurricane, Utah. The three previous videos in the series (Getting Started, Intermediate, and Advanced) have proven extremely popular and all are now available in the convenient DVD format. Each video is about 1 hour and 30 minutes in duration and narrated by Bob Velke, President of Wholly Genes Software. For detailed information about each video in the series, please visit: === NEW: Badge holder ============================ A new item in our web store is destined to be a popular one. Although designed as a badge holder for conferences, it is really handy for trips to the library or courthouse. Our Vylon badge holder hangs around your neck with an adjustable cord and has four convenient pockets (one transparent, one zippered, one with a Velcro flap, and one open for easy access). Take everything that you need, including ID cards, business cards, photocopier cards, parking stub, notepad and cash. The pockets are even large enough to carry a PDA or cell phone along with other necessary items. Two extra pockets on the reverse will hold your writing utensils. Lock your purse away and carry everything that you need in this convenient little pouch. Keep your hands free when you walk through the stacks! For photos or to order your Wholly Genes badge holder, please visit: === Free charts at NGS Conference ================ If you are coming to the National Genealogical Society conference in Nashville this week, please be sure to drop by our exhibit booth (#241, 243, and 245), where Wholly Genes employees and expert users will be eager to say hello, answer your questions, and demonstrate the features of The Master Genealogist and companion products. Our large-format color printer will also be at the exhibit booth, and we will be printing FREE wall charts for TMG and FTST users. Bring a chart that you have designed and saved (in VCF or VC2 format) on a CD-ROM or USB drive, and we'll print it for you so that you can take it home from the conference. This offer is limited to charts that are less that 12 feet long and have a white background (although colored boxes and images are encouraged). One chart per registered user. While supplies last! For more information about the NGS Conference, please visit: === Wholly Genes online chat ===================== The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be Saturday, 18 June 2005, at 2pm EDT and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world. Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to and click on Chat in the menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there! ==== How to reach us ============================= For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at: or write to: Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using. You can also reach us at: Wholly Genes Software 5144 Flowertuft Court Columbia, Maryland 21044 410-715-2260 410-379-5424 (fax) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites