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(VA) The RUG, Northern VA

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CONTACT: Secretary@rootsusers.org


Meeting info: Meetings are held at George C. Marshall High School, 7731 Leesburg Pike, in Falls Church, Virginia, on the second Saturday of each month from 9 am to noon. Exceptions will be announced on the home page of our website.


From 9 to 10 am. There is a presentation of a basic tutorial on the use of TMG software. Following this, there is a question and answer session.


After the break, the general session from 10:30 to 11:45 am is devoted to presentations and discussions of general interest to all members, sometimes covering aspects of hardware and other software having an indirect impact on TMG users.


Details of the agenda are normally published in the preceding issue of the newsletter, and on the home page of our web site. The meetings are open to the public; there is no admission charge.


Our active membership is comprised of almost 600 people. They come from the metropolitan District of Columbia area, 46 of the states in the USA, and six other nations.


Web site: http://www.rootsusers.org


Other info: Regular printed newsletter, hands-on-workshops. Details on the web site above.

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CONTACT: Secretary@rootsusers.org


Meeting info: Meetings are held in the Library of the Falls Church High School, 7521 Jaguar Trail, in Falls Church, Virginia, 22042, on the second Saturday of each month from 9 am to noon. Exceptions will be announced on the home page of our website.


From 9 to 10 am. There is a presentation of a basic tutorial on the use of TMG software. Following this, there is a question and answer session.


After the break, the general session from 10:30 to 11:45 am is devoted to presentations and discussions of general interest to all members, sometimes covering aspects of hardware and other software having an indirect impact on TMG users.


Details of the agenda are normally published in the preceding issue of the newsletter, and on the home page of our web site. The meetings are open to the public; there is no admission charge.


Our active membership is comprised of almost 600 people. They come from the metropolitan District of Columbia area, 46 of the states in the USA, and six other nations.


Web site: http://www.rootsusers.org


Other info: Regular printed newsletter, hands-on-workshops. Details on the web site above.


Janis Parkison Rodriguez

VP Arlington RUG

The World's largest TMG Users Group

Edited by JanisR

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The meeting location has moved but is still the same day, the second Saturday of the month. We meet from 9:00 am to Noon in Northern Virginia, about 2 miles inside the beltway (I-495) on Route 123, at:


Trinity United Methodist Church (UMC)

Meeting Hall

1205 Dolley Madison Boulevard

McLean, VA 22101-3019


For directions see our website: http://www.rootsusers.org/TrinityUMCLocation.html.'>http://www.rootsusers.org/TrinityUMCLocation.html. Check out our website http://www.rootsusers.org/ for more information about our users group.

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