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Donald Joseph Schulteis

Relationship: sof of-daughter of-step son-adopted daughter, ...

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From time to time you see on TMG-l where a user would like for the birth sentence to be a little more family friendly. Specifically the child may have been adopted or was a step daughter but this relationship is not identified by the program in the birth sentence.


A user can achieve this desired result using the sentence memo. For example, Mary Jane Johnson was the biological daughter of Henry Johnson and Cynthal Kools and she was the stepdaughter of Albert Lofy.


To have the birth sentence reflect these relationships code the following:


In the birth centence -


[P]<, [M],> was born <[DD]> <in [L]>


Begin the birth tag memo field with the relationship information-


daughter of Henry Johnson and Cynthia Kools and stepdaughter of Albert Lofy


The resulting birth sentence might be-



Mary Jane Johnson, daughter of Henry Johnson and Cynthia Kools and stepdaughter of Albert Lofy, was born on Tuesday 10 March 1964 in St. Michael Hospital, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USA.



Should the user wish to add other memo information, then the sentence might be coded -


[P]<, [M1],> was born <[DD]> <in [L]>. <[M2]>


(you may wish to check the TMG HELP facility under "variables (event tags)" and "M1 through M9 elements")


Begin the birth tag memo field with the relationship information followed by "||" and this followed by the remaining memo information-


daughter of Henry Donald Johnson and Cynthia Katheryn Kools and stepdaughter of Albert Lofy||Mary arrived weighing 6 lbs. 7.5 oz. and 19 inches ...


The resulting birth sentence might be-



Mary Jane Johnson, daughter of Henry Donald Johnson and Cynthia Katheryn Kools and stepdaughter of Albert Peter Lofy, was born on Tuesday 10 March 1964 in St. Michael Hospital, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USA. Mary arrived weighing 6 lbs. 7.5 oz. and 19 inches ...

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