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"Lifespan," and also divorce notations

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The birth date is not included in dbase, but the death date is.


I was expecting the death date to print, but it does not. Is there a way to modify this, to look something like: ( - Sep 25, 1967)


Is there a way to force Lifespan format? Both birth and death dates on the same line within the box?


Also, is there a way to indicate a divorce without having it on a line all on its own?


Thanks in advance

Edited by DebbieV76

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I just tried making the birth date of John Fugate in the sample project non primary and creating a descendant box chart of John Alexander with lifespan in each box. The lifespan for John Fugate did not get ouput. I will report this as a bug.


The only way of making the lifepan appear on a single line is if the box width is wide enough.


Divorce is a separate tag and in the current version has to be VCF output on a separate line.

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Enter an estimated birth or death year in the dataset using a date modifier: circa, say, before, after, etc. This can be helpful anyway - beyond charts.


Select 'Blanks for missing data' under Miscellaneous on the Other Tab in the Chart Options. That will get the partial Lifespan ( - 25 Sept 1944) but would also give you blank lines for all missing data - which you may not want.


Enter the Lifespan in the chart manually for those people. Not realistic for a large chart.



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