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Invalid file error - Flag Manager

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When I try to open Flag manager, I get the following error message :


"Memo file c:\ {file path} ****_C.FPT file is missing or is invalid. 6550 SETSTANDARDFLAGSDESCRIPTION".


Clicking on 'retry' and 'ignore' does nothing, but clicking on 'abort' sends the message away (but does not close the program), and the Flag manager fails to open. The same thing happens if I try to "customise flags" by right clicking from the Flag window.


The FTP file is still there, so I guess there's some problem with it.


I've validated and optimised the project several times, but to no avail!


A bit of background: the last time I had the project open (yesterday), I added a new custom flag, but this did not show up in the Flag window list when I opened the project today.


I restored yesterday's backup, and it worked OK, though the new flag likewise did not appear.


I then tried replacing the _C.FPT file with that from the restored project, which oddly brought back the new flag to the flag window (??), but again returned the 'missing or invalid file' error when I tried opening the flag manager.


I could go back to the restored project, but I had entered new data before the problem arose, so I'd prefer not to if it can be avoided.


Any suggestions?



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The .fpt is the file that holds the memo fields of the equivalent.dbf file and in the _c files only contains the description field of the flags. Without opening and then repairing the .dbf file in an appropiate editor, the best thing to do would be either to restore the back up or contact support to see if they can fix your file.

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The .fpt is the file that holds the memo fields of the equivalent.dbf file and in the _c files only contains the description field of the flags. Without opening and then repairing the .dbf file in an appropiate editor, the best thing to do would be either to restore the back up or contact support to see if they can fix your file.

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Thanks for advice. I have taken the first option and restored the back-up, then re-entered recent data. In the end this seemed the quickest, safest and least messy solution.



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