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Long Names are cut off

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When i create charts i often have Names that are cut off dur to their lenght.



"Baron Ludwig Sebastian Emanuel von Immenstein zu Oberfels"

gets truncated to "Baron Ludwig Sebastian Emanuel von"


So the familynames get lost when the full name is too long.

Is there a workarund or a setting i haven't found?

Thank you in advance,



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There are some problems with long names and with word wrapping. It would help if you provided the box width and font name and size that you are using with an example name so that I can look at the exact case that you are experiencing. One of the effects is when the width of the box and the length of the last word on a line disappears or appears on the next line with the first 2 charaters missing. If you can work out how to make screen grab of such a truncated name in a chart and add it as an attachment here, then that would help to distinguish whether what you are seeing is a known bug or not.


Try changing the box width to see whether that gives you any clues of what is triggering your problem.


Robin Lamacraft (Adelaide, Australia)

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When i create charts i often have Names that are cut off dur to their lenght.



"Baron Ludwig Sebastian Emanuel von Immenstein zu Oberfels"

gets truncated to "Baron Ludwig Sebastian Emanuel von"


So the familynames get lost when the full name is too long.

Is there a workarund or a setting i haven't found?

Thank you in advance,




I have some similar names and have not had this problem with VCF charts. I do have that problem, among many others, with the Relationship Chart (it does not deserve the dignity of the name chart). Tedious hand editing in a word processor is the only fix. Hopefully, one day, TMG will output the Relationship Chart to VCF.


Where I do have a problem with VCF long names, is when a word in the name is longer than the available box width. This drives VCF nuts and the results are unpredictable in that box.


For example, my old genealogy program had a fixed length name field, so I would have to compress out the blanks to make the name fit (ie: "von Immenstein zu Oberfels" became something like "v.Immenstein-Oberfels"). Over a decade ago, when I converted to TMG, I had to hand insert the original spelling in TMG for VCF charts to be functional.


Good luck,

Mike Talbot

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