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Posts posted by Roich
Is there any way to change the endnote upper case marking from Roman numerals to just plain numbers? I am making a journal report.
As I mentioned earlier, I am using Family ChartMasters for my charts.
Harry Goegebeur [harry.goegebeur@gmail.com] is still selling TMG v9.05 so I am all set.
Thanks to all.
Thanks for the quick answer. And yes, I should have done a search but I was still in shock at the loss of you folks. I did think of doing a search yesterday and found Family ChartMasters. They accept Visual Chartform files, so it should work out ok. Now if there is any CD's left over that I could buy, it would be great.
Off topic. I see you are up in Framingham. We are going to see our daughter and she lives in Charlestown. She's the main reason I want a chart done.
Thank you very much and a big thanks to all the Wholly Genes folks for such a great program. I've been with you since v. 4 or so and really believe it is the best out there.
Due to health problems I hadn't done any genealogy work for the last year or so. Does anyone know if there is a way to get my chart printed? It is 26" wide and 77" tall. I was in the process of tweeking it to bring down the height and went to Whollygenes to check out the sizes available and surprise! I missed the new version also.
On my post, Jim said I was trying to backup non-project items. I followed his steps and it worked. Here is my follow post to help, I hope.
Step 1 I choose the backup project
Step 2 Let it pick the project and backup file
Step 3 checked data files, accents, and filters. unchecked external exhibits, Nothing else on step 3 was "checked".
Step 4 Compression Normal
Step 5 Finish and it did
Now, what are "non-project items"?
I've run backup through a few different ways (choices), and found if I unchecked external exhibits, I can do a complete backup.
Thanks, now I can breathe again as I have been using the "batch" loader to fill in families and didn't want to lose them or the exhibits attached to them.
Step 1 I choose the backup project
Step 2 Let it pick the project and backup file
Step 3 checked data files, accents, and filters. unchecked external exhibits, Nothing else on step 3 was "checked".
Step 4 Compression Normal
Step 5 Finish and it did
Now, what are "non-project items"?
I've run backup through a few different ways (choices), and found if I unchecked external exhibits, I can do a complete backup.
Thanks, now I can breathe again as I have been using the "batch" loader to fill in families and didn't want to lose them or the exhibits attached to them.
I made a new subdirectory under Projects and restored an older backup of my file. It asked if I wanted to overwrite a bunch of files in the config directory, I said no. I opened the project and all looked ok. Went to backup and got the same “Invalid Path or File Name” error.
Thanks for the response.
Here is step 2 for each. I don't see a difference.
c:Documents and SettingsRichMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v8ProjectsHENRY BROWN__.PJC
c:Documents and SettingsRichMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v8ProjectsSamplesample__.PJC
C:Documents and SettingsRichMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v8BackupsHENRY BROWN 2012-01-17 17-17-10.sqz
C:Documents and SettingsRichMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v8Backupssample 2012-01-17 17-18-53.sqz
The Backup path in Preferences / Current Project Options / Advanced are the same:
C:Documents and SettingsRichMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v8Backups
C:Documents and SettingsRichMy DocumentsThe Master Genealogist v8Backups
Ok, tried cut & paste the backup path from the sample. Get same error, “Invalid Path or File Name”
Tried changing sample to sampleA using my file. Get the same
Opened sample, step 2 changed to my file and I changed the backup to all usersapp dataTMG8 - same error.
Earlier in the day, I ran maintenance, VFI and optimize. 4 potential errors fixed.
Could it be the file naming structure? All caps and a space in between? I'll try coping my file and see if I can rename it and then open and save it.
Still stuck.. HOWEVER, I opened the sample project and I could back it up without any problems..go figure
Hi and Help,
I cannot backup my TMG v8 file. It seems like it's the same issue others are having, but here is my story.
I am using Win XP Pro sp3, TMG v8, and 300gig free. When I first tried to backup, I got the “Invalid Path or File Name” error. So I clicked on canx and then went to close TMG only to get the error that said "Cannot Quit Visual FoxPro". Then I couldn’t close TMG because each time I got the same error. I read here about checking the backup directory properties and mine had a solid green box. Cleared it, tried again, same error. Then I clicked on the three ... so I could pick a new directory and re-picked the v8 backup. No good. Next, I unchecked the "Generate archive name automatically" leaving the same path and name in. This time I got "Warning: the project is in use elsewhere It cannot be backed up while in use." I went into Windows Task Manager and saw only one instance of it opened. Looked on the property tab and only one tmgv8.exe running.
Any other ideas?
Hey Group,
Looks like I have the same problem. I'm using XP sp3 TMG v8. I can't do anything at the moment, because when it failed I got an error box that said "Cannot Quit Visual FoxPro". I did check the properties on the TMG 8 Backup directory and is was read only. Changed that and waiting for the error to clear so I can close TMG and then reopen and try to backup.
Any other ideas?
I forgot that there were choices, not just END. Then, I didn't quite follow your directions. I missed the open paren and close paren. After that works like a charm.
Again, thank you very much! It will make it easier when going to the counties or libraries to know who to look for.
If it has to be done in 3 different reports, I don't have any problem with that.
I see what you mean. Let's start again with the state = NJ
Then produce a list by county with the persons name and the b m d tag as appropriate. I just want a list of "events" with dates for a county, sorted by county.
John Doe b 1810 Sussex NJ
Jane Brown d 23 Sep 1801 Bergen NJ
Does this make any sense?
I'm trying to build a report for all people in a state:
(1.) alphabetical list by county
(2.) list of surname and given name
(3.) birth date, marriage, and death dates
This way, when I go to the county records, either in person or FHC microfiche, I know who to look for and when. Anyway, I just can't seem to get the right report and option together. Is this possible or am I just having a senior moment?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for the reply!
OK, I'm still missing or misunderstanding something, so let me start from scratch. I open book manager; create a new book so it shows in the current book field; I select Ahnentafel, Decendancy Narrative; journal report as books in my report; make sure output is a file (I named them BM 1, 2, and 3.doc); click print & save; it does its' thing; finished. I don't see any way to open this book, Henry Brown 3, so I go to Start, explore, go to programs/TMG/reports, and I find:
Henry Brown 3.rpb; Size 1KB; Type RPB File.
BM 3.doc
Journal Report.rpt
BM 2.doc
Descendancy Narrative.rpt
BM 1.doc
I have 3 separate files, not a "book." Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?
I'm embarrassed to say I can't figure out how to open a "book." I have all kinds of files with .rpt extensions in the reports directory, but don't know how to open one. I don't see any way to open one via TMG either.
Well, more or less.First, it hard to have the comma and parens structure, because the comma before "son of" is hard wired into [PAR] variable. You could restructure the sentence so the comma works, or use the [FATH] and [MOTH] variables, which don't include the ", son of" phrasing. Trouble is, you need to account for no parents, father only, mother only, and both parents, and get the parens right in each combination. That cannot be done with a single sentence at the tag type level. You would have to either use local sentences, or create Roles that address the various combinations and apply the appropriate role.
Second, there is not an easy way to avoid the phrase for the children. Children who are continued aren't that hard - chose "born 1861" or "b. 1861" options on the Tags tab of options. Those options don't use the tag sentences but construct the output in a short-cut format.
But for children that would not be continued the birth tag sentence is always used. You could avoid that as you suggest by using the default sentence, which could easily be done with roles. But the problem is knowing in advance which children will not be continued. For example, if you reduce the number of generations, you could end up with children who were continued in a descendants report now not being continued. Or, children who are not continued in a Ancestor Journal may well be in a Descendants Journal.
But if you are sure of the reports you will run, you can make this work.
I think you are looking for the "Back reference gnerations" option on the Names tab of Options.
Thanks, I quess I'll have to play some more with sentences. I hadn't got as far as one or no parents, so thanks, I'd be thinking I finally got it only to find a blunder farther on in the report. I haven't tried roles yet, but I quess I'll have to.
The "Back reference gnerations" worked just fine. It was grayed out, so I missed it before.
I have a question about reports. I am using the Journal style, and I would like to know if I could get “Richard Henry was born on 23 Sep 1951 in Saint Vincent's Hospital, Staten Island, NY, (son of James D. Henry and Thornell F Rood), without “The parents of” showing up on the children’s listing also. I changed the Principal’s Birth sentence to: [P] was born <[D]> <[L]> ([PAR]) <[M]>. The child sentence is the default, [P] was born <[D]> <[L]>.
Also, how can I stop the (James, #4) from printing if I can get “The parents of” to work? Nothing I have trird seems to work.
I tried everywhere but there. It works like a charm!
Thanks for the help,
I've changed the format on some of my sources (CD) and want to go back and update the older ones. I have a source that has been cited 20 times, is there a way to bring then all up?
Will make a subset - probley my dad's family and "play" with that.
I used the sentence in your example and the one in the sample project on the 2 indivual Census Tag Source sentences for one individual. I believe that this is a "Local Sentence Structure" change and should only affect this persons report. Right now I'm not interested on the validity of the dates, just trying changes as I come to it in my books. Afterwards I'll put the sentence back until I'm ready. Right now I just read, change, check result, put back, and start all over. I will have to learn to type though.
My dates are: Birt Tag; 01 may 1869; 1900 Census Tag - 09 jun 1900; 1920 Census Tag - 07 jan 1920. So they look good, I'd think. Do I need to add an AGE button in the census source citation or any where else?
in The Master Genealogist v9
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I just found a previous post. I must have mistyped as it wasn't there earlier.