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Helmut Leininger

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Posts posted by Helmut Leininger

  1. Hi,


    In my opinion you should still wait, at least some months until further developments have been made. At least, the product must be able to directly import from TMG else you would loose too much information.


    What I have seen until now (from very short tests):

    Family Historian has direct import, but it is very buggy (sources linked to wrong persons etc.). Besides that, it uses a GEDCOM file for its "database" and I doubt that it will be ableto support most of the TMG features .

    Legacy has not direct import yet, but is planning to do so. It seems to have some features of TMG, but I have not done an investigation.

    RootsMagic has direct import (since two weeks), but still lacks on many features of TMG and "Ease of Use" or clarity of the desktop layout.


    Anyway, before making a decision, you should play with their demo (or trial) versions to see what is best for your data and your working method.

  2. Tom,


    For RootsMagic, I prefer that the "Witness:" prefix should end up alone on the TYPE line, as:


    1 EVEN [role] in [eventtype] for [Prin1] and [Prin2]
    2 TYPE *Witness
    2 DATE [date]
    2 PLACE [place]
    2 NOTE {[role] in [eventtype] for [Prin1] and [Prin2]} [Witness memo]



    Otherwise, a new RootsMagic fact type is created for each unique TYPE value. This way, only one "*Witness" type is created. The leading asterisk helps to flag it as a custom fact type and sorts it to the top of the list of fact types. RootsMagic accepts the value on the EVEN line as it does for other standard event and attribute tags but it is a custom GEDCOM extension.


    Does this mean that the "*eventtype" is a an extension specific to RootsMagic? In this case it would not work for imports to other programs.

  3. Bob said in his letter:


    In the interest of preserving users' data, I have released a document that details TMG's internal file structure and I will make GenBridge available for free to developers who wish to produce a direct import from TMG insofar as their programs support the same features.

    I hope this means that GenBridge will be updated ("... in the interest of preserving users' data..."), otherwise htis would not make much sense.

  4. Martin,


    I did not make many researches. Up to now, I don't know yet what to do.


    There are (at least in theory) two ways of migrating the data: a) direct import from the TMG database and B) by GEDCOM files.


    a) direct import:
    I have seen only two programs (maybe there are more) that try to import directly from TMG. However, the data migration is limited by the receiving program's features. In addition to that, TMG has changed the role handling in V9 and this is not (yet) reflected by GenBridge (written by Whollygenes and used by others for direct reading of the TMG database), so at this point of time, even if the target program supports the role/witness feature, there will be a loss of data.


    - Family Tree Builder from myHeritage, but it has limited features for an experienced TMG user

    - Family Tree Maker: there is no trial version available, so I have no personal experience. Comments report about problems. And Family Tree Maker wants to sell you a membership for ancestry.com


    :( data migration via GEDCOM files

    As the GEDCOM specification covers only a part of TMG's features, data loss cannot be avoided.


    Most of the programs seem to support Unicode/UTF-8 which I am missing in TMG (having many Czech names in may data). This is an advantage.


    Besides the migration of the data an important point is the mightiness (supported features) of the rival product. For my quick and dirty personal test, I have downloaded and installed trial versions of Legacy Family Tree and RootsMagic.

    Both support adapting sentences for events, creating new events/tags, sharing events (witnesses/roles) which I am using.

    But they also lack features I am used to like flags and accenting. And there is no F3 (repeat) key, no drag & drop for exhibits, no automatic generation of marriage names, ...


    Then, I don't like the layout of Legacy (TMG had a very clear layout and I could see all interesting information at the same time) and RootsMagic is available only in English (I am using German).


    Maybe we should wait for another year or so until TMG has released a new version of GenBridge and the rivals have adopted to the changed situation.

  5. John,


    I am using TMG since version 6.xx up to today's version 9.03. I have had several problems, but never lost files and no problems with optimize. My sessions are usually several hours, the projects are in a user-defined folder. My main project has about 55.000 people, 150.000 events, 30.000 sources, 42.000 (external) exhibits. No functional problems.

  6. Hi nckarter,


    probably you won't get exactly the same report you have in FTM, but:


    - the generations are intended by tabs or a number of spaces (may be defined in the report options)

    - in the report options, you can specify which elements (events) are to be output (all, none, a selection)

  7. Paul,


    if you try to access rootsweb.com (the server hosting the list) you get the following:


    Check back soon.

    We're sorry, but the page or feature is temporarily unavailable. We are undergoing maintenance or resolving some errors. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your patience at this time. Please try again shortly.

    Thank you again for your patience.

  8. Hallo Mark,



    In Deinen Angaben ist mir aber die Sortierung aufgefallen "Nachname (gruppiert), Vorname, Geburtsdatum". Ich habe für mich "Nachname, Vorname, Geburtsdatum" - also ohne Gruppierung - eingestellt, weil ich damit gut arbeiten kann.

    Ich habe mehr als 50000 Personen (70000 Namen) in meinem Projekt - da ist es ohne Gruppierung nicht mehr recht zu brauchen.



    Aber bei der Personensuche "F2" bleibt der komische Eintrag bestehen

    Da kann ich nur raten. Ich verwende den Spaltenmodus mit der Sortierung "Nachname, Vorname, Geburtsdatum".

    Im Modus Elementliste müsste man einstellen, was (acuh welche Namen) im rechten Bereich angezeigt werden sollen.


    Mit komischem Eintrag meinbst du "[surname], [givenname] ([title])" so wie es hier geschrieben ist? Wenn ja, würde ich da ein Problem mit dem Namensstil vermuten, da kenne ich mich aber kaum aus. Ich verwende den deutschen Namensstil, in Werkzeuge/Zentrale Stilliste sieht das bei mir so aus (Deutscher_Namens_Stil):


    in den Einstellungen (Benutzer_Stil):





  9. Hallo,


    ich habe das bei mir noch nie gesehen. Auch ich füge neue Ehefrauen hinzu und den Ehenamen "automatisch" ersrtellen. Ich habe danach noch keine Probleme mit der Sortierung bemerkt.


    Meine Sortierung im Projektexplorer: Nachname (gruppiert), Vorname, Geburtsdatum


    Auch beim Suchen einer Person (Person in Auswahlliste suchen bzw. F2) habe ich kein Problem.


    Sind die Filter ausgeschalten (kein rot durchgestrichener Trichter)?



    Du kannst auch einmal Wartung / Dateien optimieren und Wartung / Dateiintegrität überprüfen ausprobieren. Vielleicht ändert es etwas.

  10. Hallo,


    ich stimme dem zu, die Bibliographie sollte auf einer neuen Seite beginnen.


    Eine Möglichkeit der Umgehung ist (wie du bereits angedeutet hast) die Ausgabe in ein Word-Dokument, dieses adaptieren und dann als PDF-Datei speichern (MS-Word kann das). Ich mache es immer so, da das so erzeugte PDF-Dokument aus mir unerklärlichen Gründen um vieles kleiner ist als wenn direkt von TMG erzeugt.


    NB: das Page-Format wird zwar (immer wieder) als Letter vorgegeben, kann aber bei der Berichts-Definition in den Eigenschaften umgestellt werden.
