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Helmut Leininger

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Posts posted by Helmut Leininger

  1. Hi,


    Basically, I would like to do the following:


    Find all persons that have at least one source attached to the birth event.

    For these persons output a list with:

    - Name and Id

    - date of birth

    - Id (number) of the fist source attached to the birth event

    - Name and Id of the person's father

    - Name and Id of the person's mother



    Is there a way to achieve it?



    Thanks for your help




  2. Hi,


    When you attach a source to an event, in the event window the source is shown with its number and its abbreviation. The abbreviation is cut off (in my case after 34 characters) even if there is more space available to show more characters.


    It is not really important, but is there a specific reason for this behaviour? I would think that if in the source the abbreviation can be of a certain length, it should show in the event window with the same length (or cut off at the end of the line).




  3. Hi,


    I am using TMG 7.03. Now, I have identified (at least) two sources with the following problem:


    - They can be seen in the "List of Sources" report

    - They cannot be seen in the Master Source List

    - They are attached to events, where they appear in the sources of the event, but they cannot be accessed / opened from there either.


    Data Integrity checks do not show any problem

    Re-indexing does not help.




    What can I do to "return to normal".


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi,


    When I am producing a list of people, most names are printed "surname, given name", e.g. "Lutz, Johann". But for a number of individuals, the comma after the surname is missing, e.g. "Lutz Johann". I checked the names and did not find eye-catching differences.



    What might be the cause?



    Thanks and regards


  5. Hi,


    I have reproduced this problem several times using this procedure on a single CPU system with Windows XP SP3:


    I have set TMG to show the Welcome Window at startup.



    How I reproduced it:

    1) Startup TMG and open the project

    2) Startup TMG another time (from outside, not from the running session) and let it show the welcome window. Do not open a project

    3) Do some work in the first session or wait one or two minutes.

    4) Terminate the second session by clicking on the lowest button of the Welcome Window. The window closes but the process does not. You have nowe two TMG7 processes running.


    5) close the first session now (this leaves still one process running) and restart it opening your project- You have now 2 sessions running. I do not know if closing and restarting is really necessary.


    6) start working (or maybe just wait ?). After a few minutes The CPU usage of one the two TMG7 processes goes up to full CPU.





  6. Hi,


    I will first tell the story (shortened version) that I found in a church register from 1841 before asking the question.


    May 13th 1841 in the evening, Johann Niederer (1), wanted to go home from the nearby inn of Andreas Niederer, rather drunk and accompanied by two children of his step-daughter Magdalena Niederer. But he staggered too much and fell into the Rhine together with one of the children, named Agatha Lutz (2). Due to the yelling of the other child, named Ferdinand Lutz (3) the innkeeper Andreas Niederer (4) and his step-daughter Magdalena Niederer (5) came out. The innkeeper tried first to rescue Johann Niederer with a bucket, but Johann Niederer let it go. Then the innkeeper fetched a hook-pole, could not catch Johann Niederer any more, but succeeded in rescueing Agatha. Many searches on May 14th were without success. It was May 27th in the evening when finally Johann Lutz (6) and Ferdinand Lutz (7), a teacher, found his body swimming in the Rheinholz (wood in the Rhine). ... He was buried the 29th of May at 7 o'clock in the morning by J. Bachler, priest.


    I want to store this information in such manner that I can easily "see" this story from all the involved people (with the correct date) and also have "links" to the other involved persons without multiplying the story too often.


    For sure, Johann Niederer (1) will have it connected to his death. For the others it will probably be an anecdote. Who should be Principal, Witness, ...?



    Many thanks for your ideas.




  7. Hi,


    I would like to add nicknames to several individuals. They should be shown in the details window, preferably also in the project explorer and printed with some kind of reports.


    In general, adding nicknames quite easy. But I do not want that the entered name is "expanded" with the given name or surname of the person. I.e. if I have a person called John Smith, whose nickname is "sorcerer", I don not want to see it as "John sorcerer" or "sorcerer Smith".


    Is there an easy way?



  8. Hi Terry,


    What do you mean by "the condition is rejected"?


    I am using German language. And if I mark this field, the error message I get is the following:


    "Fehler: Unbekannte Filter-Bedingung - "GEBURTS-GRUPPE* TAG"; DATUM/HAS MODIFIER"


    Clicking on Ok continues and selects 0 records for the lst condition although all are primary events.

    Changing the condition from GEBURTS-GRUPPE to GEBURT does not give the error message but the last condition finds 0 records --> no output.



    Changing the language to English shows a totally different behaviour:

    All 4 cases produce the same result (i.e. a good selection).



    So it seems there is a bad Language problem within TMG.





  9. Hi,


    I am using TMG 7.02. Maybe I did not read the help carefully enough, but I did not find an answer.


    My filter definition screen looks this (and the filter seems to work):




    What is the meaning/function of the checkbox at the left (pointed to by the hand)? If I check it, the condition is rejected and I do not get an output.




  10. Hi,


    I created Primer on Word97, and then converted the file to PDF with PDF995, which acts as a printer driver. It's free with ads, or only $9.95 to be free from the ads.


    conc.: output to PDF:

    Microsoft Office 2007 has a export possibilty to PDF (must be downloaded and installed, but is free). Another possibility is "FreePF XP" (downloadable from http://freepdfxp.de, they have also versions for Windows 9x/ME/NT), free of charge, works like a printer from every program.




  11. Pierce,


    You have to differentiate between a thumb drive (USB (2) memory stick) and an external hard drive connected via USB2. Of course, they probably will not reach the speed of an internal disk. But I think the difference using the latter, especially in random access as databases usually do, is rather small.


    External drive:

    advantage: fast, big capacity like 300 or 500 GB, disadvantage: size, maybe external power needed


    USB Memory:

    advantage: small, disadvantage: low capacity (about 2 or 4 GB), slower




  12. Michael and Helmut: Thanks for the replies. But from your answers, it seems that you too are finding that a solution to my likely unique problem is not that obvious...that's why I've been struggling.


    Maybe the solution requires two steps? First to capture all people who have a full burial date, and then a second filter for those people who do not have a "day" of death (just a month and year). I know how to do it when I have a full burial date and the death date is blank, but not when I have a full burial date and only the month and year of death. Now if only I knew how to filter a filtered group!!!





    I think if you specify date - Day before (less than) 1 then it should not take full dates (the day here should be 1 - 31) - at leqast it did not in my trial. So probably only one run should be enough.




  13. Sorry, I just see that my solution is the same as Michael's. I was too fixed on his second part with date empty and creating an additional outpurt.


    You should get the same result as in Michael's second suggestion with:


    Tag Type Group is Death AND

    Date - Day < Comes before 1 AND

    Date Is Not Empty END




  14. What may not be obvious is that the "Comes before" operator is based on characters not numeric values.

    Try a List of Events with a filter of:


    Tag Type Group is Death AND

    Date - Day < Comes before 1 END


    In the second line you simply put the single digit one as the value.


    I think this will get what you want.



    I just re-read your question, and this will only get you close, but depending upon the number it may be good enough. To refine it more I would have the List of Events set a temporary Flag to 'Y' as a Secondary Output. Then run a List of Events with a filter of:


    Tag Type Group is Burial AND

    Date Is Empty END


    to set the same temporary Flag to 'N' to exclude the people who don't have a Burial date.


    I think this should get closer to only the people you want.


    Hi John,


    I think Michael's proposal may not give the results you want because you *have* dates that are incomplete. Michael's solution works for *no* dates.


    In my opinion, you may try the following (I did not try it myself yet):


    Create a List of Events for the element-group "death" and filter for date-day before 1 (Michael's trick)



